




  The promulgation and implementation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China have provided new opportunities for the development of inheritance law in China. As socioeconomic structures transform and family relationships evolve, traditional inheritance legal systems face numerous challenges. This study aims to explore the improvements in the inheritance system within the Civil Code and its application effects in judicial practice. By employing a combination of literature review, case analysis, and comparative legal studies, this research systematically examines the advancements made by the Inheritance Chapter of the Civil Code over the previous inheritance laws. Findings indicate that the Inheritance Chapter has achieved significant breakthroughs in expanding the scope of statutory heirs, clarifying the trustee management system for estates, and refining the formal requirements for wills. These developments effectively address long-standing contentious issues in judicial practice. Notably, the introduction of the estate trustee management system fills a legislative gap and provides institutional safeguards for handling complex inheritance cases. The recognition of new forms of wills such as printed wills and audio-video recorded wills reflects the spirit of legislative progressiveness. Statistical analysis of relevant cases nationwide shows that after the implementation of the Civil Code, the efficiency of adjudicating inheritance disputes has significantly improved, with more equitable and reasonable rulings. Public awareness and satisfaction with inheritance laws have also increased, accumulating valuable experience for further optimization and improvement of the inheritance system in the Civil Code.

Keywords:Civil Code Inheritance Chapter; Heritage Manager System; Will Formal Requirements

目  录
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(三) 研究方法与技术路线 2
二、民法典继承制度的立法完善 2
(一) 继承主体资格的界定 2
(二) 继承方式的优化路径 3
(三) 法定继承顺序的调整 3
三、继承制度中的财产处理规则 4
(一) 遗产范围的明确界定 4
(二) 债务清偿与遗产分配 5
(三) 特殊财产的继承规则 6
四、继承纠纷解决机制的构建 6
(一) 继承争议的预防措施 6
(二) 司法实践中的调解机制 7
(三) 诉讼程序的优化建议 7
结 论 9
参考文献 10