This paper comprehensively and deeply analyzes the problem of responsibility determination in VFF, and puts forward feasible optimization countermeasures according to the limitations in the current legal system. As an important carrier of social justice, the legal status and social value cannot be ignored. However, in practice, the responsibility determination of VFF is faced with many challenges and difficulties. This paper deeply discusses the legal status of VFF, clarifies its specific provisions in the civil law and criminal law, and emphasizes its positive role in shaping a good social atmosphere and maintaining social stability. Then, the paper analyzes in detail the difficulties of the liability identification in the voluntary, including the complexity of the facts on the scene, the fuzzy zone of the legal provisions, the disputes that may arise in the process of responsibility definition, and the limitations of the civil compensation mechanism in the actual operation. For these difficulties and challenges, this paper proposes a series of optimization countermeasures. Specifically, it includes strengthening field investigation and evidence collection to ensure the accuracy and impartiality of fact determination; clarifying the legal conditions and responsibility boundaries of VFF to provide clear guidance for judicial practice; establishing a comprehensive evaluation mechanism and perfecting the special rescue fund to provide necessary economic support and guarantee for rescuers.
Keywords:Good Samaritan; responsibility determination; legal guarantee
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景及意义 1
(二)研究目的和内容 1
(三)国内外研究现状 2
二、见义勇为行为概述 3
(一)见义勇为行为的定义 3
(二)见义勇为行为的主要特征 3
(三)见义勇为行为与正当防卫的区分 3
三、见义勇为中的责任认定概述 5
(一)见义勇为中民事责任的认定 5
(二)见义勇为中刑事责任的认定 5
(三)见义勇为中行政责任的认定 5
四、见义勇为中责任认定问题的难点分析 7
(一)事实认定的困难 7
(二)法律规定的模糊性 7
(三)责任界定的争议 7
五、见义勇为中责任认定的优化对策 9
(一)加强现场调查与证据收集 9
(二)细化见义勇为的构成要件 9
(三)制定责任划分指导原则 10
结 论 11
参考文献 12