The normative analysis of legal interpretation and judicial behavior aims to explore the influence mechanism of legal interpretation on judges' adjudicatory actions in judicial practice. The research background is rooted in the frequent occurrence of phenomena such as inconsistent judgments for similar cases due to differences in legal interpretation within the current judicial domain, which undermines judicial credibility. This study seeks to construct a systematic fr amework to regulate judges' behavior during the process of legal interpretation, thereby ensuring judicial fairness and consistency. By employing literature review to梳理 should be "organize" or "examine" the theoretical achievements both domestically and internationally, case analysis to select typical precedents for an in-depth examination of the application of legal interpretation in specific cases, and comparative studies to contrast the principles of legal interpretation and judicial behavior patterns across different legal systems, the research reveals that subjectivity and flexibility are prevalent issues in the process of legal interpretation. The lack of uniform standards for the exercise of judicial discretion is identified as the critical factor leading to inconsistent rulings. Establishing a clear system of legal interpretation rules and strengthening professional ethics education for judges can effectively constrain judicial behavior. The conclusion drawn is that constructing a comprehensive legal interpretation system can provide clear guidance for judges, reduce judicial chaos caused by interpretive deviations, and enhance judicial authority. The innovation lies in approaching from the perspective of judicial behavior, examining legal interpretation throughout the entire judicial process, and proposing operational regulatory suggestions. The primary contribution of this study is to offer beneficial supplementation to existing theories of legal interpretation and provide new insights for optimizing China's judicial system.
Keywords:Legal Interpretation; Judge Behavior; Judicial Equity; Discretionary Power; System Of Legal Interpretation Rules
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状 1
二、法律解释的理论基础 2
(一) 法律解释的概念界定 2
(二) 法律解释的原则分析 2
(三) 法律解释的方法探讨 3
三、法官行为的规范依据 4
(一) 法官行为的基本要求 4
(二) 法官自由裁量权的边界 4
(三) 法官职业道德规范 5
四、法律解释对法官行为的影响 6
(一) 解释规则对裁判结果的作用 6
(二) 解释方法对司法实践的影响 6
(三) 解释争议解决机制的构建 7
结 论 9
参考文献 10