The balance between public interest and constitutional fundamental rights is a critical issue confronting modern rule-of-law states. As society becomes increasingly complex and diversified, conflicts between these two concepts have become more pronounced. This study aims to explore the construction of a balancing mechanism between public interest and constitutional fundamental rights to achieve harmonious development between them. By employing methods such as literature analysis, comparative legal studies, and case studies, this research thoroughly examines the experiences and lessons from different legal systems in addressing this issue. The findings indicate that public interest does not take absolute precedence over individual rights; instead, it must be weighed against principles such as proportionality and due process while ensuring the protection of citizens' fundamental rights. An innovative aspect of this study is the proposal to examine the relationship between public interest and constitutional rights from a dynamic perspective, establishing a multi-level balancing mechanism that includes preventive measures, mid-process control, and post-facto remedies. This approach not only enriches the theoretical fr amework but also provides an operational reference for judicial practice, promoting the advancement of China's rule-of-law construction. It ensures the maintenance of public interest while fully respecting and safeguarding individual constitutional rights, thereby maximizing legal values.
Keywords:Public Interest; Constitutional Fundamental Rights; Balancing Mechanism; Proportionality Principle; Dynamic Perspective
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状 1
二、公共利益的界定与内涵 2
(一) 公共利益的概念解析 2
(二) 公共利益的构成要素 2
(三) 公共利益的识别标准 3
三、宪法基本权的保障机制 4
(一) 基本权的宪法地位 4
(二) 基本权的限制条件 5
(三) 基本权的司法保护 5
四、平衡机制的构建原则 6
(一) 比例原则的应用 6
(二) 利益衡量的方法 7
(三) 法律保留的要求 7
结 论 9
参考文献 10