摘 要:早期阅读对幼儿语言能力发展具有重要意义,本研究基于当前幼儿教育中语言能力培养的不足,旨在探讨早期阅读对幼儿语言能力的具体影响及其作用机制。研究选取3至6岁幼儿作为研究对象,通过为期一年的实验干预,采用问卷调查、行为观察与标准化语言能力测试相结合的方法,系统分析了早期阅读频率、内容及互动方式对幼儿词汇量、语法理解及叙事能力的影响。结果显示,规律性参与早期阅读活动的幼儿在语言表达流畅性、词汇丰富度及语法规则掌握方面显著优于对照组,且亲子互动式阅读效果尤为突出。本研究创新性地提出了“互动式阅读质量评估模型”,强调情感交流与认知引导的结合,为优化幼儿语言教育提供了理论依据和实践指导,进一步推动了早期阅读在家庭教育与学前教育中的科学应用。
Abstract:Early reading plays a significant role in the development of young children's language abilities. This study addresses the inadequacies in current early childhood education regarding language skill cultivation and aims to explore the specific impacts and underlying mechanisms of early reading on children's language development. Children aged 3 to 6 were selected as participants, and a one-year experimental intervention was conducted, employing a combination of questionnaire surveys, behavioral observations, and standardized language ability tests. The study systematically analyzed the effects of early reading frequency, content, and interactive modes on children's vocabulary size, grammatical comprehension, and narrative skills. The results indicated that children who regularly engaged in early reading activities demonstrated significantly better performance in terms of language ex pression fluency, lexical richness, and mastery of grammar rules compared to the control group, with parent-child interactive reading showing particularly prominent effects. This research innovatively proposes an "Interactive Reading Quality Assessment Model," emphasizing the integration of emotional communication and cognitive guidance. It provides both theoretical foundations and practical guidance for optimizing early childhood language education, further promoting the scientific application of early reading in family education and preschool education.
引言 1
一、早期阅读与幼儿语言能力的基础关联 1
(一)早期阅读的概念界定 1
(二)幼儿语言能力的发展特征 2
(三)阅读对语言发展的理论基础 2
二、早期阅读对幼儿词汇量积累的影响研究 3
(一)词汇量在语言发展中的作用 3
(二)阅读材料对词汇学习的促进机制 3
(三)实证研究 4
三、早期阅读对幼儿语法结构掌握的影响分析 4
(一)幼儿语法学习的关键期特点 4
(二)阅读活动对语法能力的提升路径 4
(三)案例探讨 5
四、早期阅读对幼儿语言表达能力的促进作用 5
(一)语言表达能力的核心要素 5
(二)阅读对口语表达技能的培养效果 6
(三)综合评价 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8
Abstract:Early reading plays a significant role in the development of young children's language abilities. This study addresses the inadequacies in current early childhood education regarding language skill cultivation and aims to explore the specific impacts and underlying mechanisms of early reading on children's language development. Children aged 3 to 6 were selected as participants, and a one-year experimental intervention was conducted, employing a combination of questionnaire surveys, behavioral observations, and standardized language ability tests. The study systematically analyzed the effects of early reading frequency, content, and interactive modes on children's vocabulary size, grammatical comprehension, and narrative skills. The results indicated that children who regularly engaged in early reading activities demonstrated significantly better performance in terms of language ex pression fluency, lexical richness, and mastery of grammar rules compared to the control group, with parent-child interactive reading showing particularly prominent effects. This research innovatively proposes an "Interactive Reading Quality Assessment Model," emphasizing the integration of emotional communication and cognitive guidance. It provides both theoretical foundations and practical guidance for optimizing early childhood language education, further promoting the scientific application of early reading in family education and preschool education.
Keywords: Early Reading;Children's Language Ability;Interactive Reading
引言 1
一、早期阅读与幼儿语言能力的基础关联 1
(一)早期阅读的概念界定 1
(二)幼儿语言能力的发展特征 2
(三)阅读对语言发展的理论基础 2
二、早期阅读对幼儿词汇量积累的影响研究 3
(一)词汇量在语言发展中的作用 3
(二)阅读材料对词汇学习的促进机制 3
(三)实证研究 4
三、早期阅读对幼儿语法结构掌握的影响分析 4
(一)幼儿语法学习的关键期特点 4
(二)阅读活动对语法能力的提升路径 4
(三)案例探讨 5
四、早期阅读对幼儿语言表达能力的促进作用 5
(一)语言表达能力的核心要素 5
(二)阅读对口语表达技能的培养效果 6
(三)综合评价 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8