
摘  要:随着教育改革的深入推进,小学课堂互动教学模式逐渐成为提升教学质量的重要途径。本研究旨在探索互动教学模式在小学课堂中的实践效果及其优化策略,通过系统分析当前小学课堂教学中存在的师生互动不足、学生参与度低等问题,提出以学生为中心的互动教学设计框架。研究采用行动研究法和案例分析法,在某市三所小学开展为期一年的教学实验,收集并分析了教师教学行为、学生学习表现及课堂互动数据。结果显示,互动教学模式显著提高了学生的课堂参与度和学习积极性,同时促进了教师教学能力的提升。本研究的创新点在于构建了适用于小学阶段的多层次互动教学模型,并提出了具体的实施路径与评估标准,为同类研究提供了参考依据。研究成果表明,互动教学模式能够有效改善小学课堂生态,推动教学相长,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。


Abstract:As educational reform continues to deepen, interactive teaching models in primary school classrooms have gradually become an important approach to improving teaching quality. This study aims to explore the practical effects and optimization strategies of interactive teaching models in primary school classrooms. Through a systematic analysis of existing issues such as insufficient teacher-student interaction and low student engagement in current primary school teaching, a student-centered interactive teaching design fr amework is proposed. The research employs action research and case study methods, conducting a one-year teaching experiment in three primary schools in a city, collecting and analyzing data on teacher instructional behaviors, student learning performance, and classroom interaction. The results indicate that the interactive teaching model significantly enhances students' classroom participation and learning motivation while promoting improvements in teachers' instructional capabilities. The innovation of this study lies in constructing a multi-level interactive teaching model suitable for the primary education stage and proposing specific implementation pathways and evaluation criteria, providing a reference for similar studies. The research findings demonstrate that the interactive teaching model can effectively improve the classroom ecology in primary schools and promote mutual growth between teaching and learning, possessing significant theoretical value and practical implications.

Keywords: Interactive Teaching Model;Primary School Classroom;Student Engagement

目  录
引言 1
一、小学课堂互动教学模式的理论基础 1
(一)互动教学的核心概念解析 1
(二)国内外研究现状综述 2
(三)理论框架构建与意义 2
二、互动教学模式在小学课堂中的实践路径 3
(一)教学目标的设计与优化 3
(二)师生互动的具体策略分析 3
(三)学生参与度提升的方法探索 4
三、互动教学模式实施中的关键问题与解决策略 4
(一)课堂管理与秩序维护 4
(二)教师角色转变的挑战与应对 5
(三)技术工具的应用与整合 5
四、互动教学模式的效果评估与改进方向 5
(一)学习成效的量化评估方法 6
(二)学生反馈与教学调整机制 6
(三)模式优化的未来展望 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



