
摘  要:随着社会经济的快速发展和人才竞争的加剧,员工满意度、组织承诺与离职意向已成为企业管理中的核心议题,其相互关系对组织效能具有深远影响本研究旨在构建并验证员工满意度、组织承诺与离职意向的关系模型,通过系统分析三者间的交互机制,揭示其内在作用路径研究采用问卷调查法,以532名企业员工为样本,运用结构方程模型进行数据分析结果表明,员工满意度对组织承诺具有显著正向影响,而组织承诺对离职意向呈现显著负向作用此外,组织承诺在员工满意度与离职意向之间起到部分中介作用,这一发现丰富了现有理论框架同时,本研究创新性地引入调节变量“领导支持”,发现其能够强化员工满意度对组织承诺的影响,从而间接降低离职意向本研究不仅深化了对三者关系的理解,还为企业提升员工留任率提供了实践指导,具有重要的理论价值与现实意义

Building a Relationship Model of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:With the rapid development of socioeconomy and the intensification of talent competition, employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention have become core issues in enterprise management, and their interrelationships have profound implications for organizational effectiveness. This study aims to construct and validate a relational model among employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention by systematically analyzing the interaction mechanisms among these three constructs and revealing their underlying pathways. A questionnaire survey method was employed, with a sample of 532 employees from various enterprises, and data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that employee satisfaction has a significantly positive effect on organizational commitment, while organizational commitment exerts a significantly negative influence on turnover intention. Furthermore, organizational commitment partially mediates the relationship between employee satisfaction and turnover intention, thereby enriching the existing theoretical fr amework. Innovatively, this study introduces the moderating variable "leader support," which is found to strengthen the impact of employee satisfaction on organizational commitment, indirectly reducing turnover intention. This research not only deepens the understanding of the relationships among these three constructs but also provides practical guidance for enterprises to enhance employee retention rates, thus possessing important theoretical significance and practical implications.
Keywords: Employee Satisfaction;Organizational Commitment;Turnover Intention;Leader Support;Mediating Role
目  录
引言 1
一、员工满意度的理论基础与测量 1
(一)员工满意度的概念界定 1
(二)员工满意度的影响因素分析 2
(三)员工满意度的测量方法研究 2
二、组织承诺的作用机制与影响 3
(一)组织承诺的类型与特征 3
(二)组织承诺对员工行为的影响 3
(三)组织承诺与员工满意度的关系 4
三、离职意向的形成及其前因变量 4
(一)离职意向的核心概念解析 4
(二)员工满意度对离职意向的影响路径 5
(三)组织承诺在离职意向中的调节作用 5
四、关系模型构建与实证检验 5
(一)模型构建的理论依据 6
(二)变量间关系的假设提出 6
(三)实证研究设计与数据分析 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



