摘 要:随着经济环境的快速变化和市场竞争的加剧,中小企业对员工培训的需求日益凸显,但其资源有限性和管理特点使得培训体系的设计面临诸多挑战。本研究旨在通过系统分析中小企业员工的培训需求,设计出针对性强且可操作的培训方案。研究采用问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的方法,选取了不同行业、规模的中小企业作为样本,收集并分析了员工及管理层在技能提升、职业发展和组织适应性等方面的具体需求。结果显示,中小企业员工普遍关注实用技能的培养和个性化成长路径的规划,而企业则更注重培训成本效益与战略目标的匹配。基于此,本文提出了以模块化培训为核心的设计思路,结合线上与线下混合模式,有效平衡了灵活性与经济性。该方案不仅为中小企业提供了可借鉴的操作框架,还填补了现有研究中针对中小企业培训体系设计的空白,为促进企业人力资源开发和可持续发展提供了重要参考。
Analysis of Training Needs and Program Design for Employees in Small and Medium Enterprises
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Abstract:With the rapid changes in the economic environment and the intensification of market competition, the demand for employee training in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has become increasingly prominent; however, their limited resources and distinctive management characteristics pose numerous challenges to the design of a training system. This study aims to systematically analyze the training needs of employees in SMEs and develop a targeted and feasible training program. By employing a combination of questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews, this research selected SMEs from different industries and scales as samples, collecting and analyzing specific needs of both employees and management regarding skill enhancement, career development, and organizational adaptability. The findings indicate that employees in SMEs generally focus on the cultivation of practical skills and the planning of personalized growth paths, whereas enterprises emphasize the alignment of training cost-effectiveness with strategic goals. Based on these insights, this paper proposes a design approach centered on modular training, integrating blended online and offline modes to effectively balance flexibility and cost-efficiency. This scheme not only provides SMEs with a replicable operational fr amework but also fills the gap in existing research on the design of training systems for SMEs, offering significant references for promoting human resource development and sustainable enterprise growth.
Keywords: Small And Medium Enterprises;Employee Training;Modular Design;Hybrid Model;Training Needs Analysis
目 录
引言 1
一、中小企业员工培训现状分析 1
(一)员工培训的重要性与意义 1
(二)当前中小企业培训存在的问题 2
(三)培训需求分析的必要性 2
二、员工培训需求分析方法研究 3
(一)培训需求分析的基本框架 3
(二)数据收集与分析技术应用 3
(三)需求分析中的关键影响因素 4
三、培训方案设计的核心要素 4
(一)方案设计的目标定位 4
(二)培训内容与形式的选择 5
(三)方案实施的可行性评估 5
四、培训效果评估与优化策略 6
(一)培训效果的衡量标准 6
(二)评估方法的设计与应用 6
(三)持续改进的路径探索 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8