
摘  要:随着社会竞争加剧和工作压力上升,员工心理健康问题已成为企业可持续发展的重要挑战。本研究旨在探讨员工心理健康管理在企业中的应用现状、实施路径及面临的障碍,并提出针对性的优化策略。研究采用问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的方法,选取了来自不同行业的500名企业员工作为样本,分析其心理状态及其对工作效率和组织绩效的影响。结果表明,超过60%的受访者存在不同程度的心理健康问题,而企业的心理健康干预措施普遍不足且缺乏系统性。本研究创新性地提出了“多层次心理健康管理体系”,强调从个体、团队和组织三个维度协同推进心理健康建设。研究表明,该体系能够显著提升员工的心理健康水平,改善工作满意度并降低离职率。研究的主要贡献在于为企业提供了可操作的实践框架,同时揭示了文化差异和技术支持在心理健康管理中的关键作用,为未来相关领域的研究奠定了基础。

Application and Challenges of Employee Mental Health Management in Enterprises
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:With the intensification of social competition and increasing work pressure, employee mental health issues have become a significant challenge to the sustainable development of enterprises. This study aims to explore the current application, implementation approaches, and obstacles of employee mental health management in organizations, while proposing targeted optimization strategies. By employing a combination of questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews, this research selected 500 employees from various industries as samples to analyze their psychological states and their impacts on work efficiency and organizational performance. The findings indicate that over 60% of respondents experience varying degrees of mental health problems, while corporate mental health intervention measures are generally insufficient and lack systematicness. Innovatively, this study proposes a "Multi-level Mental Health Management System," which emphasizes coordinated efforts from individual, team, and organizational dimensions to promote mental health construction. The research demonstrates that this system can significantly enhance employees' mental health levels, improve job satisfaction, and reduce turnover rates. The primary contribution of this study lies in providing enterprises with an actionable practical fr amework, while also revealing the critical role of cultural differences and technological support in mental health management, thereby laying a foundation for future research in related fields.
Keywords: Employee Mental Health;Multi-Level Mental Health Management System;Corporate Sustainable Development;Psychological Intervention Measures;Cultural Differences
目  录
引言 1
一、员工心理健康管理的理论基础 1
(一)心理健康的概念与内涵 1
(二)企业管理中的心理需求分析 2
(三)理论框架对实践的指导意义 2
二、员工心理健康管理的应用现状 3
(一)国内外企业实践对比分析 3
(二)常见心理健康干预措施评估 3
(三)应用效果及其影响因素研究 4
三、员工心理健康管理的实施路径 4
(一)组织文化的构建与支持作用 4
(二)心理健康管理体系的设计原则 5
(三)关键工具与技术的应用探讨 5
四、员工心理健康管理面临的挑战 5
(一)企业资源投入的限制与优化 6
(二)隐私保护与伦理问题的平衡 6
(三)跨文化背景下管理策略的适应性 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



