
摘  要:在全球化深入发展的背景下,人才流动已成为跨国界、跨文化的重要现象,对各国人力资源管理提出了新的挑战与机遇。本研究旨在探讨全球化视角下人才流动的驱动因素及其对人力资源管理实践的影响,并提出适应性的人才管理策略。研究采用混合方法设计,通过文献分析、问卷调查及深度访谈相结合的方式,收集来自不同行业和国家的样本数据。结果表明,经济利益、职业发展机会、文化吸引力以及政策环境是影响人才流动的核心因素,而传统人力资源管理模式在应对全球化趋势时存在明显局限性。本研究创新性地构建了“动态适配型”人力资源管理框架,强调组织应以灵活性和包容性为核心,优化全球人才配置与本地化管理的平衡。这一框架为跨国企业提供了理论支持与实践指导,有助于提升其在全球竞争中的战略优势。研究的主要贡献在于深化了对全球化人才流动规律的理解,并为人力资源管理理论注入了新的视角。

Talent Mobility and Human Resource Management from a Globalization Perspective
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:In the context of deepening globalization, talent mobility has become a significant cross-border and cross-cultural phenomenon, presenting new challenges and opportunities for human resource management in various countries. This study aims to explore the driving factors of talent mobility from a global perspective and its impact on human resource management practices, while proposing adaptive talent management strategies. A mixed-methods design was employed, integrating literature analysis, questionnaire surveys, and in-depth interviews to collect sample data from diverse industries and nations. The findings indicate that economic benefits, career development opportunities, cultural appeal, and policy environments are the core factors influencing talent mobility, while traditional human resource management models exhibit notable limitations in addressing global trends. Innovatively, this research constructs a "dynamically adaptive" human resource management fr amework, emphasizing that organizations should prioritize flexibility and inclusiveness to optimize the balance between global talent allocation and localized management. This fr amework provides theoretical support and practical guidance for multinational enterprises, enhancing their strategic advantages in global competition. The primary contribution of this study lies in advancing the understanding of the patterns of global talent mobility and introducing new perspectives into human resource management theory.
Keywords: Talent Mobility;Human Resource Management;Globalization;Dynamic Adaptation fr amework;Cross-Cultural Management
目  录
引言 1
一、全球化与人才流动概述 1
(一)全球化对人才流动的影响 1
(二)人才流动的主要特征分析 2
(三)跨国人才流动的驱动因素 2
二、人才流动中的挑战与机遇 3
(一)人才流失与资源分配问题 3
(二)跨文化适应与身份认同挑战 3
(三)人才流动带来的创新机遇 4
三、全球化下的人力资源管理策略 4
(一)国际化人力资源规划与配置 4
(二)跨文化培训与员工发展机制 5
(三)激励机制与全球人才保留策略 5
四、未来趋势与政策建议 6
(一)数字化时代的人才流动新趋势 6
(二)政府在人才流动中的角色定位 6
(三)企业全球化战略的人才支撑体系 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



