摘 要:随着远程工作模式的普及,员工自律性对工作绩效的影响成为重要研究议题。本研究旨在探讨远程工作环境下员工自律性与工作绩效之间的关系,并分析其内在作用机制。研究采用问卷调查法,以302名远程工作者为样本,通过结构方程模型检验假设。结果表明,员工自律性显著正向影响工作绩效,且心理资本在两者之间起到部分中介作用;此外,组织支持感知调节了自律性与心理资本的关系强度。本研究创新性地揭示了自律性通过心理资本影响绩效的具体路径,并强调了组织支持在提升员工自律性和心理状态中的关键作用。这一发现不仅丰富了远程工作领域的理论研究,还为企业优化管理实践提供了科学依据,有助于提升远程团队的整体效能。
A Study on the Relationship between Employee Self-Discipline and Work Performance in Remote Work Environments
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Abstract:With the growing popularity of remote work arrangements, the impact of employee self-discipline on work performance has become an important research topic. This study investigates the relationship between employee self-discipline and work performance in a remote work context, along with its underlying mechanism. Using a questionnaire survey method, data were collected from a sample of 302 remote workers and analyzed through structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. The findings reveal that employee self-discipline significantly and positively influences work performance, with psychological capital partially mediating this relationship. Furthermore, perceived organizational support moderates the strength of the relationship between self-discipline and psychological capital. This study innovatively elucidates the specific pathway through which self-discipline affects performance via psychological capital, while emphasizing the critical role of organizational support in enhancing employee self-discipline and psychological well-being. These insights not only contribute to the theoretical understanding of remote work but also provide empirical guidance for organizations to optimize management practices, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of remote teams.
Keywords: Remote Work;Employee Self-Discipline;Work Performance;Psychological Capital;Perceived Organizational Support
目 录
引言 1
一、远程工作环境概述 1
(一)远程工作的定义与特征 1
(二)远程工作的发展现状 2
(三)远程工作对组织的影响 2
二、自律性在远程工作中的作用 3
(一)自律性的概念与测量 3
(二)自律性对远程工作的重要性 3
(三)自律性与员工行为的关系 4
三、工作绩效的评估与影响因素 4
(一)工作绩效的定义与衡量标准 4
(二)远程工作绩效的关键影响因素 5
(三)自律性对工作绩效的作用机制 5
四、自律性与工作绩效的关系研究 5
(一)研究假设与理论框架 2
(二)数据收集与分析方法 2
(三)研究结果与讨论 3
结论 3
参考文献 4
致谢 4