
摘  要:随着数字化转型的深入推进,远程办公逐渐成为企业运营的重要模式,然而其对员工绩效管理与激励机制带来的挑战亟待解决。本研究旨在探讨远程办公环境下员工绩效管理的有效策略及激励机制的设计方法,以提升组织效能和个人满意度。研究采用定量与定性相结合的方法,通过问卷调查和深度访谈收集数据,并运用结构方程模型分析变量间的关系。结果表明,目标设定清晰度、沟通效率以及技术支持是影响远程办公绩效管理的关键因素,而个性化激励方案能够显著提高员工的工作积极性与归属感。本研究创新性地提出了基于行为数据的动态绩效评估框架,并设计了多维度激励体系,为相关理论研究提供了新视角,同时为企业实践提供了具体指导。研究结论强调,在远程办公模式下,构建灵活且具有针对性的管理与激励机制对于实现组织与员工的双赢至关重要。

Research on Employee Performance Management and Incentive Mechanisms under Remote Working Mode
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Abstract:As digital transformation continues to advance, remote working has gradually become a critical operational model for enterprises. However, the challenges it poses to employee performance management and incentive mechanisms require urgent attention. This study aims to explore effective strategies for managing employee performance and designing incentive mechanisms in a remote work environment to enhance organizational efficiency and individual satisfaction. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection through questionnaires and in-depth interviews, with structural equation modeling used to analyze the relationships between variables. The findings indicate that the clarity of goal setting, communication efficiency, and technical support are key factors influencing performance management in remote work settings. Moreover, personalized incentive schemes can significantly boost employees' work motivation and sense of belonging. Innovatively, this research proposes a dynamic performance evaluation fr amework based on behavioral data and designs a multi-dimensional incentive system, offering new perspectives for theoretical research and practical guidance for enterprises. The conclusions emphasize that establishing flexible and targeted management and incentive mechanisms is crucial for achieving a win-win situation for both organizations and employees in remote working arrangements.
Keywords: Remote Office;Performance Management;Incentive Mechanism;Goal Setting Clarity;Personalized Incentive Plan
目  录
引言 1
一、远程办公模式概述 1
(一)远程办公的定义与特征 1
(二)远程办公的发展现状 2
(三)远程办公对管理的挑战 2
二、员工绩效管理在远程办公中的应用 3
(一)绩效管理的核心要素 3
(二)远程办公下的绩效评估方法 3
(三)绩效反馈机制的设计 4
三、激励机制在远程办公中的构建 4
(一)远程办公中的激励需求分析 4
(二)非物质激励机制的实施路径 2
(三)物质激励机制的优化策略 2
四、绩效管理与激励机制的协同效应 3
(一)协同效应的理论基础 3
(二)绩效管理与激励机制的整合框架 3
(三)实施效果的评估与改进 4
结论 4
参考文献 5
致谢 5



