
摘  要:夫妻共同债务认定是民法领域的重要议题,其在利益平衡保护中具有关键意义。随着《中华人民共和国民法典》的实施,相关法律规则逐步完善,但司法实践中仍存在认定标准模糊、债权人与债务人权益失衡等问题。本研究旨在通过系统梳理现行法律规定与司法解释,结合典型案例分析,探讨夫妻共同债务认定的核心要素及其对各方利益的影响。研究采用规范分析与实证研究相结合的方法,深入剖析“共债共签”原则的适用范围及例外情形,并提出基于利益平衡的优化建议。结果表明,“家庭日常生活需要”和“共同意思表示”是认定夫妻共同债务的关键标准,同时应强化举证责任分配的合理性。本研究的创新点在于引入动态平衡理论,构建了兼顾债权人保护与债务人权益的多层次认定框架,为司法实践提供了更具操作性的解决方案,也为相关立法完善提供了理论支撑。


Abstract:The identification of joint spousal debts is a significant issue in the field of civil law, playing a crucial role in the balanced protection of interests. With the implementation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, relevant legal rules have gradually been refined; however, ambiguities in identification standards and imbalances in the rights of creditors and debtors persist in judicial practice. This study aims to explore the core elements of identifying joint spousal debts and their impact on various parties' interests by systematically reviewing current legal provisions and judicial interpretations in conjunction with case analyses. Employing a combination of normative analysis and empirical research, this study delves into the scope of application and exceptional scenarios of the "joint debt, joint signature" principle, proposing optimization recommendations based on interest balance. The findings indicate that "family daily living needs" and "joint intent ex pression" are key criteria for identifying joint spousal debts, while the rationality of evidence allocation should also be strengthened. A distinctive contribution of this research lies in the introduction of dynamic equilibrium theory, which constructs a multi-level identification fr amework that balances creditor protection with debtor rights. This fr amework offers more operational solutions for judicial practice and provides theoretical support for legislative improvement.

Keywords: Marital Joint Debt;Interest Balance;Joint Debt With Joint Signature

目  录
引言 1
一、夫妻共同债务认定的理论基础 1
(一)债务认定的基本原则 1
(二)利益平衡的法理内涵 2
(三)国内外研究现状分析 2
二、夫妻共同债务的利益冲突分析 3
(一)债权人与债务人的利益博弈 3
(二)家庭内部权益的保护需求 3
(三)社会公平与法律正义的考量 4
三、现行规则的适用困境与完善路径 4
(一)规则适用中的实践难题 4
(二)利益平衡机制的不足之处 5
(三)法律规制的优化方向 5
四、利益平衡视角下的规则重构建议 6
(一)明确债务性质的认定标准 6
(二)强化举证责任的合理分配 6
(三)构建多元化的纠纷解决机制 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9




