
摘  要:夫妻共同债务的认定是民法领域的重要议题,随着社会经济的发展和家庭财产关系的复杂化,证明责任在该领域的适用问题日益凸显。本研究以夫妻共同债务认定中的证明责任分配为核心,旨在探讨现行法律框架下证明责任的理论基础与实践困境,并提出优化路径。通过文献分析、案例研究及比较法考察等方法,本文梳理了国内外相关理论与司法实践,发现当前我国在夫妻共同债务认定中存在证明责任分配不明确、举证标准模糊等问题。研究结果表明,合理分配证明责任不仅有助于平衡债权人与债务人利益,还能有效维护婚姻家庭稳定。本文创新性地提出了基于债务性质分类的动态证明责任分配机制,强调根据不同债务类型调整举证规则,为司法实践提供了具体操作指引。这一研究成果对完善我国夫妻共同债务认定制度具有重要参考价值,同时为相关立法完善提供了理论支持。


Abstract:The identification of joint spousal debts is a significant issue in the field of civil law, and with the development of socioeconomics and the increasing complexity of family property relationships, the application of the burden of proof in this area has become increasingly prominent. This study focuses on the allocation of the burden of proof in the determination of joint spousal debts, aiming to explore the theoretical foundations and practical challenges of the burden of proof under the current legal fr amework, as well as to propose optimization pathways. Through methods such as literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal examination, this paper reviews relevant theories and judicial practices both domestically and internationally, revealing that there are issues in China’s current system of identifying joint spousal debts, including unclear allocation of the burden of proof and ambiguous standards for evidence presentation. The research findings indicate that reasonably distributing the burden of proof not only helps balance the interests of creditors and debtors but also effectively maintains marital and familial stability. This paper innovatively proposes a dynamic burden-of-proof allocation mechanism based on debt categorization, emphasizing the adjustment of evidentiary rules according to different types of debt, thereby providing concrete operational guidance for judicial practice. This research outcome holds important reference value for improving China’s system of identifying joint spousal debts and offers theoretical support for related legislative refinement.

Keywords: Marital Joint Debt;Burden Of Proof Allocation;Debt Nature Classification

目  录
引言 1
一、证明责任的基本理论框架 1
(一)证明责任的法律内涵 1
(二)夫妻共同债务的认定基础 2
(三)证明责任与夫妻债务的关系 2
二、证明责任在夫妻共同债务中的分配规则 3
(一)分配原则的法律依据 3
(二)债务性质对证明责任的影响 3
(三)实践中证明责任分配的争议 4
三、证据规则在夫妻共同债务认定中的应用 4
(一)证据标准的选择与适用 4
(二)关键证据的收集与审查 5
(三)举证困难时的解决路径 5
四、证明责任制度的完善建议 6
(一)现行制度存在的问题分析 6
(二)完善证明责任分配机制的思路 6
(三)推动司法实践中的统一标准 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



