
摘  要




  Obesity has become a global public health issue, and intervention strategies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory provide new perspectives for its prevention and control. This study aims to explore the intervention model of obesity under the guidance of TCM theory by integrating literature research with clinical observation. It systematically reviews the discussions on obesity in classical TCM literature, analyzes its etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation, and treatment principles, while incorporating innovative explorations informed by modern medical research findings. The study selected 300 obese patients as subjects, employing a randomized controlled trial design divided into a TCM comprehensive intervention group and a conventional intervention group, with an intervention period of six months. The TCM comprehensive intervention group utilized a combination of herbal decoctions, acupuncture, and massage, demonstrating significantly greater improvements in body mass index, body fat percentage, and waist-to-hip ratio compared to the conventional intervention group, with statistically significant differences (P0.05). The innovation of this study lies in integrating the holistic concept and syndrome differentiation approach of TCM throughout the entire intervention process for obesity, focusing not only on physical obesity but also on the regulation of internal bodily environments. By addressing organ dysfunction from a holistic perspective, personalized intervention plans were developed, providing a safe and effective new pathway for obesity prevention and control, enriching and developing the theoretical system of TCM obesity management, and laying the foundation for integrated traditional and Western medicine approaches to obesity prevention and control.

Keywords:Obesity;Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine Intervention;Syndrome Differentiation And Treatment;Body Mass Index;Viscera Function Disorder

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引  言 1
第一章 中医理论与肥胖症概述 2
1.1 中医对肥胖症的认识 2
1.2 肥胖症的中医病因病机 2
1.3 中医治疗肥胖症的优势 3
第二章 中医辨证分型与肥胖症 4
2.1 辨证分型的原则与方法 4
2.2 常见肥胖症的中医分型 4
2.3 分型与个体化干预策略 5
第三章 中医干预措施与方法 6
3.1 饮食疗法在肥胖症中的应用 6
3.2 运动疗法与中医养生理念 6
3.3 中药及针灸等外治法 7
第四章 中医干预效果评价与展望 8
4.1 干预效果的评估指标 8
4.2 现代研究进展与证据 8
4.3 中医干预策略的发展方向 9
结  论 11
参考文献 12
致  谢 13



