




  Civil tort damage compensation, as a crucial component of the modern legal system, aims to provide effective redress for victims' rights and uphold social fairness and justice by reasonably defining and quantifying the scope of damage compensation. This paper focuses on the determination and calculation standards of civil tort damage compensation, exploring key issues in both theory and practice based on an in-depth analysis of the current legal fr amework. By employing a research methodology that combines empirical analysis with comparative law studies, the paper systematically reviews relevant domestic and international legislation and judicial precedents, incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives such as economics and jurisprudence to propose a more operational model for calculating damage compensation. The findings indicate that the current scope of damage compensation is characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty, particularly in areas such as mental harm compensation and indirect losses, where uniform standards are lacking. In response, this paper innovatively introduces a stratified and categorized approach to assessing damage compensation, typifying damages and incorporating a dynamic adjustment mechanism to accommodate the specific needs of different cases. This method not only enhances the scientific rigor and precision of damage compensation calculations but also provides clear operational guidance for judicial practice. The primary contribution of this paper lies in addressing the gap in existing research regarding the standardization of damage compensation, while offering theoretical support and practical references for improving China's civil tort damage compensation system, thereby facilitating further development and optimization of related laws.

Keywords:Civil Tort Compensation; Scope Of Compensation; Stratified And Categorized Evaluation Method

目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景与意义 1
(二) 研究现状综述 1
(三) 研究方法概述 2
二、损害赔偿范围的界定原则 2
(一) 侵权行为与损害结果关联性 2
(二) 直接损失与间接损失区分 3
(三) 可预见性规则适用 3
三、损害赔偿计算标准体系 4
(一) 财产损失计算依据 4
(二) 人身损害赔偿标准 5
(三) 精神损害赔偿考量 6
四、特殊情形下的赔偿问题 6
(一) 过错相抵原则应用 6
(二) 第三人介入影响分析 7
(三) 不可抗力因素考量 7
结 论 9
参考文献 10



