




  As globalization intensifies and the pace of technological innovation accelerates, firms are confronted with unprecedented challenges and opportunities; traditional management models struggle to adapt to rapidly changing market demands, making intrapreneurship mechanisms a critical pathway for continuous corporate innovation. This study investigates the relationship between intrapreneurship mechanisms and the construction of innovation ecosystems, drawing on resource-based theory and dynamic capability theory. By employing methodologies such as case analysis, questionnaire surveys, and structural equation modeling, this research conducts an in-depth examination of representative firms across various industries. The findings indicate that effective intrapreneurship mechanisms can stimulate employee creativity, facilitate knowledge flow and sharing, and provide firms with a steady stream of innovative momentum. Additionally, it is revealed that organizational culture, leadership support, and incentive systems significantly influence intrapreneurial activities. Furthermore, the construction of an innovation ecosystem not only requires the refinement of internal intrapreneurship mechanisms but also necessitates the strengthening of external collaborative networks to achieve synergistic effects between internal and external resources. Innovatively integrating intrapreneurship mechanisms into the fr amework of innovation ecosystems, this study uncovers the interactive mechanisms between the two, offering a new perspective for theoretical exploration while providing actionable recommendations for practical implementation. These insights contribute to enhancing firms' adaptability and competitive advantage in complex and dynamic environments.

Keywords:Internal Entrepreneurship Mechanism; Innovation Ecosystem; Resource-Based Theory

目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 企业内部创业机制构建的背景与意义 1
(二) 创新生态系统研究现状综述 1
(三) 研究方法与理论框架 2
二、企业内部创业机制的核心要素 2
(一) 内部创业的组织架构设计 2
(二) 激励机制与资源分配 3
(三) 创业文化的培育与发展 4
三、创新生态系统的构建路径 4
(一) 生态系统主体间关系构建 4
(二) 技术创新平台的搭建 5
(三) 知识共享与协同创新机制 6
四、内部创业与创新生态的融合 6
(一) 融合模式的设计与实施 6
(二) 风险管理与绩效评估 7
(三) 可持续发展策略探讨 8
结 论 9
参考文献 10




