摘 要
关键词:高空抛物罪 司法认定标准 风险评估
The act of throwing ob jects from heights poses a serious threat to public safety, and with the acceleration of urbanization, such incidents have become increasingly frequent, necessitating clear judicial criteria for their determination. This paper focuses on the challenges in the judicial application of the crime of throwing ob jects from heights, aiming to clarify contentious points in practice and provide theoretical support for judicial proceedings. By systematically reviewing current laws, regulations, judicial interpretations, and relevant cases, combined with criminal law theory analysis, this study explores core issues including the elements of the crime, subjective aspects, characteristics of ob jective behavior, and causality. The research reveals that current judicial practices suffer from ambiguous definitions of “height,” inconsistent determinations of harmful consequences, and difficulties in evidence collection. Innovatively, this paper proposes a comprehensive judgment method based on risk assessment, emphasizing the combination of the perpetrator’s subjective malice and the degree of ob jective danger in evaluation. It also recommends improving legislation and technical means to address challenges in evidence fixation. Establishing a scientific and reasonable system for judicial determination can help unify adjudication standards, enhance the operability of legal application, provide a solid theoretical foundation and practical guidance for effectively combating and preventing crimes involving ob jects thrown from heights, and promote the modernization of social public safety governance capabilities.
Keyword:High-Altitude Littering Crime Judicial Recognition Standards Risk Assessment
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
2高空抛物罪的构成要件分析 2
2.1主体要件的认定标准 2
2.2主观方面 2
2.3客观行为的司法判断 3
3高空抛物罪的危害结果认定 3
3.1实害结果的具体判定 3
3.2危险状态的法律评价 4
3.3损害程度的量化标准 5
4高空抛物罪的证据采信规则 5
4.1证据收集的合法性审查 5
4.2监控视频的证明效力 6
4.3证人证言的可信度评估 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9