

摘    要


关键词:欺诈发行证券罪  司法适用  信息披露


  The crime of securities fraud issuance, as a crucial charge in China's criminal law regulating securities market violations, plays an indispensable role in maintaining capital market order. With the rapid development of capital markets, securities fraud issuance has exhibited new characteristics, posing numerous challenges to existing judicial application, such as inconsistent interpretations of elements constituting the crime and ambiguous standards for evidence recognition. This study aims to systematically examine the judicial application issues of securities fraud issuance by clarifying specific rules for its practical application in the judiciary. To achieve this ob jective, a literature analysis method was employed to comprehensively gather relevant research findings both domestically and internationally. Case analysis was used to dissect a large number of judicial precedents, while normative analysis was applied to interpret current laws and regulations. The study found that current judicial practice suffers from overly broad definitions of "deceptive means," lack of unified standards for assessing "materiality," and difficulties in establishing causality. By comparing foreign legislative experiences, it is proposed that a fr amework centered on information disclosure should be constructed, with clear quantitative standards for "materiality" and detailed rules for inferring causality, along with improved supporting institutional structures. Innovatively integrating advanced foreign legislative concepts with domestic judicial practices, this research provides theoretical support and practical pathways to address the challenges in the judicial application of securities fraud issuance, thereby enhancing China’s securities market regulation, protecting investors’ legitimate rights and interests, and promoting the healthy and stable development of capital markets.

Keyword:Fraudulent Securities Issuance  Judicial Application  Information Disclosure

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

2欺诈发行证券罪的构成要件分析 1

2.1主体要件的认定标准 1

2.2客观行为的表现形式 2

2.3主观故意的判断依据 3

3欺诈发行证券罪的司法认定难点 3

3.1证据收集与审查问题 3

3.2犯罪金额的计算方法 4

3.3因果关系的判定原则 4

4欺诈发行证券罪的刑罚适用 5

4.1刑罚幅度的确定依据 5

4.2共同犯罪的处罚原则 6

4.3非法所得的追缴措施 6

结论 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9





