

摘    要


关键词:自认制度  限制自认构成要件  意思表示真实性


  The institution of judicial admission plays a crucial role in civil litigation, significantly enhancing litigation efficiency and clarifying contentious issues. However, numerous controversies surrounding the constitutive elements of restricted admissions in judicial practice have impeded the full functionality of this institution. To address this issue, this study adopts an interpretive perspective to investigate and aims to standardize judicial application by elucidating the constitutive elements of restricted admissions. By reviewing domestic and international theoretical achievements, integrating current Chinese legal norms and judicial interpretations, and conducting an in-depth analysis of a large number of judicial cases, it is found that the current constitutive elements of restricted admissions suffer from ambiguities in defining the scope of subjects and lack of uniform standards for assessing the authenticity of ex pressions of intent. In response to these issues, this paper proposes constructing a system of constitutive elements for restricted admissions from aspects such as subject qualification, authenticity, and legality of ex pressions of intent. It seeks to clarify the effect of admissions made by parties and their agents under specific circumstances, establish a review standard for the authenticity of ex pressions of intent based on ob jective situations, and emphasize the invalidity of admissions that violate mandatory provisions of laws and regulations. This research innovatively introduces interpretivism into the study of the constitutive elements of restricted admissions, not only contributing to the improvement of China's civil litigation evidence rules system but also providing more operational guidance for judicial practice, thereby promoting judicial fairness and efficiency.

Keyword:Voluntary Recognition System  Limitation Constituent Elements Of Voluntary Recognition  Authenticity Of ex pression Of Intent

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

2限制自认的理论基础 2

2.1解释论的基本原理 2

2.2限制自认的概念界定 2

2.3限制自认的法理依据 3

2.4限制自认与其他诉讼行为的关系 3

3限制自认构成要件分析 4

3.1主体要件的司法认定 4

3.2客体要件的适用范围 4

3.3内容要件的审查标准 5

3.4形式要件的证据要求 5

4司法实践中限制自认的适用 6

4.1法院对限制自认的态度 6

4.2限制自认在不同类型案件中的应用 7

4.3限制自认适用中的常见问题 7

4.4完善限制自认适用的建议 8

结论 8

参考文献 10

致谢 11





