摘 要
With the advancement of medical technology and the increasing demand for pediatric medications, the rational use and cost-effectiveness of pediatric drugs have garnered significant attention. This study aims to explore the application value of pharmacoeconomics in pediatric medication to provide a scientific basis for optimizing clinical drug use in pediatrics. By systematically reviewing relevant literature both domestically and internationally, and combining it with case analysis, this research employs methods such as cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis to evaluate the economic aspects of treatment regimens for common pediatric diseases. The findings indicate that under the premise of ensuring therapeutic efficacy, certain alternative drugs or treatment options can significantly reduce healthcare costs and improve resource utilization efficiency. Particularly in respiratory and infectious diseases, pharmacoeconomic evaluations can identify more cost-effective treatment choices. An innovation of this study lies in its first-time integration of real-world data with traditional economic models to construct a pediatric medication evaluation system suitable for China's national conditions, addressing the lack of localized data in existing research. Additionally, this study has established a pediatric medication database based on multi-center data, providing valuable resources for future research. The results demonstrate that applying pharmacoeconomic principles to guide clinical decision-making in pediatric medication not only helps control healthcare costs but also enhances the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction, holding important theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords:Pediatric Pharmacoeconomics;Cost-Effectiveness Analysis;Pediatric Medication Optimization
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
引 言 1
第一章 药物经济学基础理论 2
1.1 药物经济学定义与原理 2
1.2 儿科用药特殊性分析 2
1.3 经济评价方法概述 3
第二章 儿科用药成本分析 4
2.1 直接医疗成本核算 4
2.2 间接成本考量因素 4
2.3 成本数据收集方法 5
第三章 儿科药物效果评估 7
3.1 疗效指标体系构建 7
3.2 患者生活质量测量 7
3.3 不同疗法对比研究 8
第四章 政策与实践应用 10
4.1 医保支付政策影响 10
4.2 临床路径优化建议 10
4.3 合理用药推广策略 11
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15