
摘    要


关键词:民事侵权  免责事由  适用条件


  The justifications for exemption from civil tort liability and their applicable conditions are significant topics in both civil law theory and practice. With the rapid development of the social economy, interactions among civil entities have become increasingly frequent and complex, leading to a diversification of tortious acts. Consequently, how to reasonably define the grounds for exemption has become an urgent issue that needs addressing. This study aims to thoroughly investigate the connotations, types, and applicable conditions of justifications for exemption in civil torts. By employing literature review methods to organize relevant research findings both domestically and internationally, comparative analysis methods to draw upon regulations concerning justifications for exemption from different legal systems, and case analysis methods to dissect specific cases in China’s judicial practice, this study finds that justifications for exemption primarily include victim consent, force majeure, and justifiable defense. The application of these justifications requires fulfillment of specific conditions: victim consent must be based on genuine intent and not violate public order and good morals; force majeure must be an ob jective situation that cannot be foreseen, avoided, or overcome; justifiable defense must meet elements such as causation, timing, target, and limitation. The innovation of this study lies in constructing a relatively systematic fr amework for applying justifications for exemption, clearly defining the specific conditions for each type of justification, thereby providing theoretical support for judicial practice, helping to unify adjudication standards, achieving justice in individual cases, and promoting the stable and harmonious development of civil legal relationships.

Keyword:Civil Tort  Exemption Reason  Application Conditions

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2研究现状综述 1

1.3研究方法概述 2

2免责事由的理论基础 2

2.1免责事由的概念界定 2

2.2免责事由的分类分析 3

2.3免责事由的法理依据 3

3免责事由的具体适用条件 4

3.1不可抗力的适用条件 4

3.2正当防卫的适用条件 5

3.3紧急避险的适用条件 5

4免责事由在司法实践中的应用 6

4.1司法案例中的免责认定 6

4.2免责事由的举证责任 7

4.3免责事由的法律效果 7

结论 8

参考文献 10

致谢 11




