
摘    要


关键词:格式条款规制  消费者权益保护  民事合同

  With the development of market economy, standard terms are widely used in civil contracts, and their convenience promotes the improvement of transaction efficiency, but it also brings about the problem that consumers' rights and interests are vulnerable to infringement. This study aims to explore the regulation of standard terms and consumer protection in civil contracts, in order to build a more perfect legal guarantee system. Through the systematic combing of relevant laws and regulations, judicial interpretations and precedents, combined with empirical research methods such as questionnaire surveys and interviews, the unfair phenomenon of standard terms and their impact on consumer rights and interests are deeply analyzed. It is found that the current standard terms have problems such as providers 'taking advantage to make unreasonable terms, consumers' right to know and limited choice. Therefore, it is proposed to strengthen the clarity of legislation, improve the standard clause review mechanism, and establish diversified dispute resolution channels. The innovation lies in not only analyzing the problem from the level of legal text, but also paying more attention to the practical application effect and emphasizing consumer participation.

Keyword:Format Clause Regulation  Consumer Rights Protection  Civil Contract

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与思路 1
2格式条款的法律属性与构成要件 2
2.1格式条款的概念界定 2
2.2格式条款的特征分析 3
2.3格式条款的构成要素 3
3格式条款规制的理论基础与制度构建 4
3.1格式条款规制的法理依据 4
3.2消费者权益保护的立法原则 4
3.3格式条款规制的具体制度 5
4格式条款在实践中的问题及应对措施 5
4.1实践中格式条款的常见问题 6
4.2消费者权益受损的表现形式 6
4.3完善格式条款规制的建议 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10



