
摘    要


关键词:患者自主权  医方告知义务  医患沟通

  With the advancement of modern medicine, the physician-patient relationship has become increasingly complex, making patient autonomy and the duty of disclosure by healthcare providers important topics in health law research. This study, grounded in the perspective of health law, delves into the essence of patient autonomy and its manifestation in medical practice, aiming to clarify the specific content and standards for fulfilling the duty of disclosure by healthcare providers. Through methods such as literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this study systematically examines relevant domestic and international laws and judicial precedents, analyzing existing issues in physician-patient communication in China. It reveals that current laws inadequately protect patient autonomy, and the fulfillment of the duty of disclosure by healthcare providers lacks uniform standards. The research indicates that strengthening the protection of patient autonomy requires improving legislation and detailing the content of the duty of disclosure, including comprehensive information on the condition, treatment options, risks, and benefits. Furthermore, it advocates for establishing effective supervisory mechanisms. An innovative aspect of this study is the development of a patient-centered disclosure model that emphasizes personalized disclosure to ensure patients fully understand and participate in the decision-making process, providing theoretical support for optimizing physician-patient relationships and promoting the development of China’s healthcare legal system towards a more humane and scientific direction.

Keyword:Patient Autonomy  Physician's Duty To Inform  Doctor-Patient Communication

目  录
引言 1
1患者自主权的法律基础 1
1.1患者自主权的概念界定 1
1.2卫生法中的患者权利保障 2
1.3患者自主权与医疗伦理 2
2医方告知义务的法律规定 3
2.1告知义务的法律依据 3
2.2告知内容与方式要求 3
2.3违反告知义务的法律责任 4
3患者自主权与医方告知的关系 4
3.1知情同意作为连接点 4
3.2患者知情权与医方告知 5
3.3自主选择权与医方建议 5
4实践中的问题与完善建议 6
4.1当前实践中的主要问题 6
4.2国内外经验借鉴分析 6
4.3完善相关制度的建议 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10



