摘 要
关键词:过错责任原则 民事侵权 司法实践
The principle of fault liability in civil torts, as a core component of the modern civil law system, plays a significant role in judicial practice regarding its scope of application and criteria for determination. Based on China's current Civil Code and incorporating both domestic and international research findings, this study systematically examines the application of the fault liability principle in the field of civil torts. Through empirical analysis of numerous judicial cases, it is found that current judicial practices face issues such as inconsistent standards for fault determination and ambiguous allocation of the burden of proof. To address these challenges, this paper proposes establishing a more scientifically sound and reasonable fault determination system, clarifying specific criteria for different types of torts, and introducing the theory of proportionate liability to improve compensation mechanisms. Innovatively, a "three-tier" fault evaluation model is constructed, integrating subjective fault, unlawful behavior, and causality into a comprehensive assessment fr amework, providing a practical theoretical tool for judicial practice. Additionally, for special tort areas like online infringement and medical malpractice, categorized and detailed fault determination rules are proposed. The study demonstrates that the optimized fault liability principle not only effectively balances the protection of victims' rights with the responsibility of tortfeasors but also offers valuable references for further improvement of China's civil legislation. This research contributes positively to the development of China's civil tort legal system, enhancing the quality of judicial decisions and maintaining social equity and justice.
Keyword:Fault Liability Principle Civil Torts Judicial Practice
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法概述 1
2过错责任原则的理论基础 2
2.1过错责任的历史沿革 2
2.2过错构成要件分析 3
2.3过错责任与其他归责原则比较 3
3过错责任在具体侵权类型中的适用 4
3.1一般侵权行为中的过错认定 4
3.2特殊侵权行为中的过错推定 4
3.3产品责任中的过错考量 5
4过错责任原则的司法实践问题 6
4.1司法实践中过错认定标准 6
4.2过错举证责任分配探讨 6
4.3过错责任适用的局限性分析 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10