摘 要:幼儿社会性发展是教育研究的重要领域,亲子互动在其中扮演着关键角色。本研究旨在探讨亲子互动对幼儿社会性发展的影响,基于当前幼儿教育中亲子关系日益受到重视的背景展开。通过文献综述发现现有研究多集中于单一维度,缺乏系统性分析。为此,本研究采用混合研究方法,结合定量问卷调查与定性访谈,选取3 - 6岁幼儿及其家长作为研究对象,共收集有效样本824份。研究结果显示,积极的亲子互动能够显著促进幼儿的社会认知、情绪管理和人际交往能力发展,尤其在建立安全感和信任感方面作用明显。创新之处在于构建了包含情感支持、行为引导、沟通交流三个维度的亲子互动模型,并验证其对幼儿社会性发展的预测作用。研究结论表明,高质量的亲子互动不仅有助于幼儿当下社会性发展,还对其未来人格塑造产生深远影响,为家庭教育提供了理论依据和实践指导。
Abstract:The social development of young children is a critical area in educational research, with parent-child interaction playing a pivotal role. This study aims to explore the impact of parent-child interaction on the social development of young children, given the increasing emphasis on parent-child relationships in current early childhood education. Through a review of existing literature, it was found that most studies focus on single dimensions and lack systematic analysis. To address this gap, this study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, targeting children aged 3 to 6 years and their parents, with a total of 824 valid samples collected. The results indicate that positive parent-child interactions significantly promote the development of social cognition, emotion regulation, and interpersonal skills in young children, particularly in establishing a sense of security and trust. An innovative contribution of this study is the construction of a parent-child interaction model encompassing emotional support, behavioral guidance, and communication, which was validated for its predictive effect on the social development of young children. The conclusions suggest that high-quality parent-child interactions not only facilitate current social development but also have a profound impact on future personality formation, providing theoretical foundations and practical guidance for family education.
引言 1
一、幼儿社会性发展概述 1
(一)社会性发展的概念界定 1
(二)幼儿社会性发展的特点 2
(三)研究幼儿社会性发展的意义 2
二、亲子互动的内涵与形式 3
(一)亲子互动的基本概念 3
(二)亲子互动的主要形式 4
(三)亲子互动的质量评估 4
三、亲子互动对幼儿社会性发展的影响机制 5
(一)影响幼儿自我认知的形成 5
(二)促进幼儿同伴关系建立 5
(三)提升幼儿情绪管理能力 6
四、优化亲子互动促进幼儿社会性发展的策略 6
(一)家庭环境的营造策略 6
(二)亲子沟通的有效方法 7
(三)教育机构的支持作用 7
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 10
Abstract:The social development of young children is a critical area in educational research, with parent-child interaction playing a pivotal role. This study aims to explore the impact of parent-child interaction on the social development of young children, given the increasing emphasis on parent-child relationships in current early childhood education. Through a review of existing literature, it was found that most studies focus on single dimensions and lack systematic analysis. To address this gap, this study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, targeting children aged 3 to 6 years and their parents, with a total of 824 valid samples collected. The results indicate that positive parent-child interactions significantly promote the development of social cognition, emotion regulation, and interpersonal skills in young children, particularly in establishing a sense of security and trust. An innovative contribution of this study is the construction of a parent-child interaction model encompassing emotional support, behavioral guidance, and communication, which was validated for its predictive effect on the social development of young children. The conclusions suggest that high-quality parent-child interactions not only facilitate current social development but also have a profound impact on future personality formation, providing theoretical foundations and practical guidance for family education.
Keywords: Parent-Child Interaction;Young Children'S Social Development;Emotional Support
引言 1
一、幼儿社会性发展概述 1
(一)社会性发展的概念界定 1
(二)幼儿社会性发展的特点 2
(三)研究幼儿社会性发展的意义 2
二、亲子互动的内涵与形式 3
(一)亲子互动的基本概念 3
(二)亲子互动的主要形式 4
(三)亲子互动的质量评估 4
三、亲子互动对幼儿社会性发展的影响机制 5
(一)影响幼儿自我认知的形成 5
(二)促进幼儿同伴关系建立 5
(三)提升幼儿情绪管理能力 6
四、优化亲子互动促进幼儿社会性发展的策略 6
(一)家庭环境的营造策略 6
(二)亲子沟通的有效方法 7
(三)教育机构的支持作用 7
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 10