
摘  要

The relationship between the professional development path of primary school teachers and the school teaching quality 
This study focuses on the internal link between the professional development path of primary school teachers and the quality of school teaching, and aims to explore the promoting effect of teacher professional growth on the improvement of education quality. Through a combination of literature analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, 36 primary schools in 12 provinces were selected as the research ob jects, and multi-dimensional data such as teachers 'professional development level, teaching practice behavior and students' academic performance were collected. It is found that the professional development path of teachers mainly includes four modes: pre-service training, in-service research, school-based teaching research and independent learning, among which school-based teaching research has the most significant effect on improving teaching quality. The study further revealed a significant positive relationship between teacher professional development and teaching quality, and this relationship is regulated by the dual effect of school support and teachers' personal motivation. The innovation of this study lies in the construction of a three-level influence mechanism model of "teacher professional development-teaching behavior improvement-students' learning effectiveness", which provides a new theoretical perspective for understanding the practical effectiveness of teacher professional development. 
Keywords: Professional development of primary school teachers; teaching quality; school-based teaching and research 

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
(三)研究方法与思路 2
二、小学教师专业发展路径的理论基础 3
(一)教师专业发展的内涵与特征 3
(二)小学教师专业发展的主要模式 4
(三)影响教师专业发展的关键因素 5
三、小学教师专业发展路径的实证分析 6
(一)样本选择与数据收集方法 6
(二)不同发展路径对教学能力的影响 7
(三)教师专业发展与教学质量的相关性分析 7
四、优化小学教师专业发展的策略建议 9
(一)完善教师培训体系的建议 9
(二)构建校本教研机制的路径 10
(三)促进教师自主发展的措施 10
五、结论与展望 12
参考文献 13
致  谢 14



