
摘  要

The influence of primary school science experiment activities on students' scientific literacy 
The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of primary school scientific experiment activities on students 'scientific literacy, and to reveal the function mechanism of experimental teaching in improving students' scientific literacy through empirical research. The study adopts quasi-experimental design, and the fourth grade students from two primary schools in a city were selected as the research ob jects and divided into experimental group and control group for a one-semester comparative study. The experimental group adopts the scientific experiment teaching mode based on inquiry, and the control group adopts the traditional teaching method. The research tools included the Science Literacy Assessment Scale, classroom observation records, and student interview outline. The data analysis results showed that the students in the experimental group were significantly better than the control group in the three dimensions of scientific knowledge mastery, scientific inquiry ability and scientific attitude, among which the scientific inquiry ability was the most significantly improved. Quality research found that the students in the experimental group showed obvious advantages in problem-solving ability, critical thinking and teamwork consciousness. The innovation of this study is the construction of a science experiment teaching mode suitable for primary school, and the verification of its effectiveness in improving students' scientific literacy. 
Keywords: Primary school science experiment; scientific literacy; inquiry teaching 

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
(三)研究方法与思路 2
二、小学科学实验活动的理论基础 3
(一)科学素养的内涵与构成 3
(二)实验活动在科学教育中的作用 4
(三)小学生认知特点与实验教学 5
三、小学科学实验活动的实施现状分析 6
(一)实验活动开展情况调查 6
(二)教师实验教学能力评估 7
(三)学生参与度与学习效果分析 7
四、科学实验活动对学生科学素养的影响机制 9
(一)实验活动对科学知识掌握的影响 9
(二)实验活动对科学探究能力的培养 10
(三)实验活动对科学态度与价值观的塑造 11
五、结论与展望 12
参考文献 13
致  谢 14



