摘 要:在全球经济竞争日益激烈和技术创新驱动发展的背景下,企业创新能力成为其核心竞争力的关键来源。本研究旨在探讨员工培训与企业创新能力提升之间的关联性及其作用机制。通过问卷调查法收集了来自不同行业的312家企业数据,并运用结构方程模型进行实证分析。研究发现,员工培训不仅能够直接促进企业创新能力的提升,还能通过知识共享和组织学习等中介变量间接发挥作用。此外,领导支持在这一过程中起到了显著的调节效应。本研究的创新点在于将员工培训视为一个多维度的概念,并系统揭示了其对企业创新能力的影响路径,同时强调了组织内外部环境因素的交互作用。研究结果为企业优化培训体系、激发员工创造力提供了理论依据和实践指导,也为相关领域的学术研究拓展了新的视角和方法论支持。
An Analysis of the Correlation Between Employee Training and the Enhancement of Corporate Innovation Capability
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Abstract:In the context of increasingly fierce global economic competition and innovation-driven development, enterprise innovation capability has become a key source of core competitiveness. This study investigates the relationship and underlying mechanism between employee training and the enhancement of enterprise innovation capability. Data were collected from 312 enterprises across various industries through a questionnaire survey and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that employee training not only directly promotes the improvement of enterprise innovation capability but also indirectly contributes to it via mediating variables such as knowledge sharing and organizational learning. Furthermore, leadership support plays a significant moderating role in this process. A notable contribution of this study lies in conceptualizing employee training as a multi-dimensional construct and systematically elucidating its impact pathways on enterprise innovation capability, while emphasizing the interactive effects of internal and external organizational environmental factors. The results provide theoretical foundations and practical guidance for enterprises to optimize their training systems and stimulate employee creativity, and offer new perspectives and methodological support for academic research in related fields.
Keywords: Employee Training;Enterprise Innovation Ability;Knowledge Sharing;Leadership Support;Organizational Learning
目 录
引言 1
一、员工培训对企业创新能力的基础作用 1
(一)员工培训的核心内涵 1
(二)企业创新能力的构成要素 2
(三)培训与创新能力的初步关联 2
二、员工培训对创新能力提升的关键路径 3
(一)技能提升对创新的直接影响 3
(二)知识更新与创新思维培养 3
(三)团队协作能力的强化作用 4
三、员工培训模式与创新能力的匹配分析 4
(一)不同培训模式的特点比较 4
(二)培训模式对企业创新的适配性 5
(三)高效培训模式的设计原则 5
四、员工培训效果评估与创新能力提升策略 5
(一)培训效果的量化评估方法 6
(二)创新能力提升的关键驱动因素 6
(三)持续优化培训以促进创新 6
结论 7
参考文献 2
致谢 2