
摘  要:企业内部晋升机制的公平性对员工工作投入具有重要影响,但现有研究对其作用机制的探讨尚显不足。本研究基于社会交换理论和公平感知理论,以325名企业员工为样本,采用问卷调查法分析晋升公平性与员工工作投入之间的关系,并引入心理授权作为中介变量、组织支持感作为调节变量构建整合模型。通过结构方程模型和层次回归分析发现:晋升公平性正向影响员工工作投入,心理授权在二者之间起到部分中介作用;此外,组织支持感显著强化了晋升公平性对心理授权的正向影响,从而进一步促进员工工作投入。本研究创新性地揭示了晋升公平性影响员工工作投入的作用路径及其边界条件,为优化企业晋升机制提供了理论依据和实践启示,同时拓展了公平性理论在组织行为领域的应用深度。

The Relationship between the Fairness of Internal Promotion Mechanisms and Employee Work Engagement in Organizations
Directive teacher:×××

Abstract:The fairness of internal promotion mechanisms within organizations plays a crucial role in influencing employees' work engagement; however, existing research has inadequately explored the underlying mechanisms. Grounded in social exchange theory and fairness perception theory, this study investigates the relationship between promotion fairness and employee work engagement using a sample of 325 employees through questionnaire surveys. A comprehensive model was constructed by introducing psychological empowerment as a mediating variable and perceived organizational support as a moderating variable. Structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analyses revealed that promotion fairness positively influences employee work engagement, with psychological empowerment partially mediating this relationship. Furthermore, perceived organizational support significantly strengthens the positive effect of promotion fairness on psychological empowerment, thereby further enhancing employee work engagement. This study innovatively elucidates the pathways through which promotion fairness affects employee work engagement and identifies its boundary conditions, providing theoretical foundations and practical implications for optimizing organizational promotion mechanisms. Additionally, it extends the application depth of fairness theory within the domain of organizational behavior.
Keywords: Promotion Fairness;Employee Work Engagement;Psychological Empowerment;Perceived Organizational Support;Mechanism Of Action
目  录
引言 1
一、企业内部晋升机制公平性概述 1
(一)晋升机制公平性的概念界定 1
(二)晋升机制公平性的理论基础 2
(三)晋升机制公平性的影响因素分析 2
二、员工工作投入的内涵与测量 3
(一)工作投入的概念与特征 3
(二)工作投入的测量方法研究 3
(三)工作投入的驱动因素探讨 4
三、晋升机制公平性对工作投入的作用机制 4
(一)公平感知对工作投入的影响路径 4
(二)晋升机会均等与员工积极性的关系 4
(三)晋升标准透明度的作用分析 5
四、实证研究与对策建议 5
(一)研究设计与数据收集方法 5
(二)实证结果分析与讨论 6
(三)提升晋升机制公平性的对策建议 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



