摘 要:随着90后逐渐成为职场主力军,其职业发展需求与离职倾向已成为企业管理中的重要议题本研究以90后员工为对象,基于社会认知职业理论和组织行为学相关理论,探讨其职业发展规划对其离职倾向的影响机制,并引入工作投入作为中介变量,组织支持感知作为调节变量构建研究模型采用问卷调查法收集数据,通过结构方程模型进行假设检验结果表明,90后员工的职业发展规划不仅直接降低其离职倾向,还通过提升工作投入间接影响离职倾向此外,组织支持感知正向调节职业发展规划对工作投入的作用关系本研究揭示了90后员工职业发展与离职行为之间的复杂作用机制,为优化企业人力资源管理策略提供了理论依据和实践指导,同时拓展了社会认知职业理论在代际管理领域的应用
A Study on Career Development Planning and Turnover Intention of Post-90s Employees
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Abstract:As the post-90s generation gradually becomes the dominant force in the workplace, their career development needs and turnover intentions have become critical issues in enterprise management. This study focuses on post-90s employees and investigates the influence mechanism of their career development planning on turnover intention based on social cognitive career theory and relevant theories of organizational behavior. Work engagement is introduced as a mediating variable, and perceived organizational support is incorporated as a moderating variable to construct the research model. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey method, and hypotheses were tested through structural equation modeling. The results indicate that career development planning among post-90s employees not only directly reduces their turnover intention but also indirectly influences it by enhancing work engagement. Furthermore, perceived organizational support positively moderates the relationship between career development planning and work engagement. This study elucidates the complex interaction mechanisms between the career development and turnover behaviors of post-90s employees, providing theoretical foundations and practical guidance for optimizing human resource management strategies in enterprises. Simultaneously, it extends the application of social cognitive career theory in the field of generational management.
Keywords: Post-90s Employees;Career Development Planning;Turnover Intention;Work Engagement;Perceived Organizational Support
目 录
引言 1
一、90后员工职业发展现状分析 1
(一)职业发展特征概述 1
(二)核心需求与期望解析 2
(三)发展障碍因素探讨 2
二、离职倾向的影响因素研究 3
(一)内部心理驱动因素 3
(二)外部环境制约因素 3
(三)关键影响因素归纳 4
三、职业发展规划与离职倾向的关系 4
(一)规划对离职倾向的作用机制 4
(二)不同规划模式的对比分析 5
(三)规划实施效果评估 5
四、提升职业发展规划的策略建议 6
(一)组织层面的支持措施 6
(二)员工个体的发展路径 6
(三)双向互动机制构建 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8