摘 要:随着人才市场竞争日益激烈,雇主品牌建设成为企业吸引和留住优秀人才的重要策略。本研究旨在探讨雇主品牌在企业招聘中的作用机制及其对人才吸引力的影响路径,通过问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的方法,收集了来自不同行业企业的数据样本,并运用结构方程模型进行实证分析。研究发现,雇主品牌的认知度、美誉度及情感联结是影响候选人求职意愿的关键因素,而清晰的价值主张和差异化定位能够显著提升雇主品牌的吸引力。此外,数字化招聘工具的应用为企业雇主品牌传播提供了新途径。本研究的创新点在于将雇主品牌建设与人才吸引策略有机结合,提出了基于候选人心理需求的动态调整模型,为实践者提供了具体的操作框架。研究成果不仅丰富了雇主品牌理论,还为企业制定更有效的招聘策略提供了科学依据。
Abstract:As talent market competition becomes increasingly intense, employer branding has emerged as a critical strategy for organizations to attract and retain top talents. This study investigates the underlying mechanisms of employer branding in corporate recruitment and its influence pathways on talent attraction by integrating questionnaire surveys with in-depth interviews to collect data samples from enterprises across various industries, followed by empirical analysis using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that the awareness, reputation, and emotional connection of an employer brand are key factors affecting candidates' job application intentions, while a clear value proposition and differentiated positioning significantly enhance the attractiveness of the employer brand. Furthermore, the application of digital recruitment tools offers new avenues for employer brand communication. A notable contribution of this research lies in its integration of employer branding with talent attraction strategies, proposing a dynamic adjustment model based on candidates' psychological needs, which provides practitioners with a concrete operational fr amework. The research not only enriches the theoretical foundation of employer branding but also offers scientific evidence for organizations to develop more effective recruitment strategies.
引言 1
一、雇主品牌建设的理论基础 1
(一)雇主品牌的定义与内涵 1
(二)雇主品牌对企业招聘的影响 2
(三)雇主品牌建设的核心要素 2
二、人才吸引策略的现状分析 3
(一)当前企业招聘中的挑战 3
(二)人才吸引策略的主要类型 3
(三)现有策略的效果评估 4
三、雇主品牌与人才吸引的关系研究 4
(一)雇主品牌对人才吸引力的作用机制 4
(二)不同类型雇主品牌的人才吸引效果 5
(三)提升雇主品牌吸引力的关键路径 5
四、雇主品牌建设与人才吸引策略优化 6
(一)构建差异化的雇主品牌形象 6
(二)制定系统化的人才吸引方案 6
(三)实施与评估雇主品牌建设成效 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9
Abstract:As talent market competition becomes increasingly intense, employer branding has emerged as a critical strategy for organizations to attract and retain top talents. This study investigates the underlying mechanisms of employer branding in corporate recruitment and its influence pathways on talent attraction by integrating questionnaire surveys with in-depth interviews to collect data samples from enterprises across various industries, followed by empirical analysis using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that the awareness, reputation, and emotional connection of an employer brand are key factors affecting candidates' job application intentions, while a clear value proposition and differentiated positioning significantly enhance the attractiveness of the employer brand. Furthermore, the application of digital recruitment tools offers new avenues for employer brand communication. A notable contribution of this research lies in its integration of employer branding with talent attraction strategies, proposing a dynamic adjustment model based on candidates' psychological needs, which provides practitioners with a concrete operational fr amework. The research not only enriches the theoretical foundation of employer branding but also offers scientific evidence for organizations to develop more effective recruitment strategies.
Keywords: Employer Brand;Talent Attraction;Job Seeking Intention
引言 1
一、雇主品牌建设的理论基础 1
(一)雇主品牌的定义与内涵 1
(二)雇主品牌对企业招聘的影响 2
(三)雇主品牌建设的核心要素 2
二、人才吸引策略的现状分析 3
(一)当前企业招聘中的挑战 3
(二)人才吸引策略的主要类型 3
(三)现有策略的效果评估 4
三、雇主品牌与人才吸引的关系研究 4
(一)雇主品牌对人才吸引力的作用机制 4
(二)不同类型雇主品牌的人才吸引效果 5
(三)提升雇主品牌吸引力的关键路径 5
四、雇主品牌建设与人才吸引策略优化 6
(一)构建差异化的雇主品牌形象 6
(二)制定系统化的人才吸引方案 6
(三)实施与评估雇主品牌建设成效 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9