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摘  要:在全球经济不确定性增强和数字化转型加速的背景下,中小企业面临人力资源管理的新挑战与机遇。本研究旨在探讨中小企业在新时代背景下实现人力资源战略转型的有效路径与策略,以提升其核心竞争力和可持续发展能力。通过文献分析、案例研究及问卷调查相结合的方法,选取多个具有代表性的中小企业作为研究对象,深入剖析其人力资源管理现状与转型需求。研究表明,中小企业需从传统的人力资源管理模式向数据驱动型、灵活适应型和创新驱动型转变,重点在于构建数字化人才管理体系、优化组织文化以及强化领导力发展。研究发现,通过实施差异化的人才激励机制和敏捷化的人力资源配置策略,能够显著提升企业的运营效率与员工满意度。本研究的创新点在于提出了适用于中小企业的“分阶段、模块化”转型框架,并验证了其可行性和有效性,为同类企业提供了可操作性强的实践指南,同时丰富了人力资源管理理论在中小企业场景中的应用。


Abstract:In the context of increasing global economic uncertainty and accelerating digital transformation, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are confronted with new challenges and opportunities in human resource management. This study aims to explore effective pathways and strategies for SMEs to achieve strategic HR transformation in the new era, thereby enhancing their core competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and questionnaire surveys, multiple representative SMEs were selected as research subjects to comprehensively examine their current HR management practices and transformation requirements. The findings indicate that SMEs need to transition from traditional HR models to data-driven, flexible-adaptive, and innovation-oriented approaches, with a focus on establishing a digital talent management system, refining organizational culture, and strengthening leadership development. It was discovered that implementing differentiated talent incentive mechanisms and agile HR allocation strategies can significantly improve operational efficiency and employee satisfaction. A key contribution of this study is the proposal of a "phased and modular" transformation fr amework tailored for SMEs, whose feasibility and effectiveness have been validated. This fr amework not only provides actionable guidance for similar enterprises but also enriches the application of human resource management theory in the SME context.

Keywords: Small And Medium Enterprises;Human Resources Strategic Transformation;Digital Talent Management

目  录
引言 1
一、中小企业人力资源现状分析 1
(一)人力资源管理存在的问题 1
(二)核心竞争力与人才需求 2
(三)转型背景与必要性 2
二、人力资源战略转型路径探索 3
(一)战略目标的重新定位 3
(二)组织架构优化设计 3
(三)数字化工具的应用 4
三、人力资源转型的关键策略研究 4
(一)人才吸引与保留机制 4
(二)培训与发展体系构建 5
(三)绩效管理与激励机制 5
四、转型实施中的挑战与对策分析 6
(一)文化变革的推动策略 6
(二)成本控制与资源分配 6
(三)风险评估与应对措施 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 9




