
摘  要



The Vernacular Nature and Contemporary Relevance of Bai Juyi's Poetry


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  Bai Juyi, as a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, is famous for his easy to understand language style and profound social concern, which has a profound influence on later literature and social thought. Based on the textual analysis of Bai Juyi's poetry, this study explores its popularity characteristics and its significance in reality, aiming to reveal how Bai Juyi's poetry achieves wide dissemination through language form and content ex pression, and has a positive effect on the society at that time and later generations. The popularity of Bai Juyi's poems is not only reflected in his approachable language style, but also in his choice of themes close to people's livelihood, such as his concern for the sufferings of the poor and his criticism of social injustice. This popularity enables his works to cross class boundaries and form a wide audience, thus enhancing the social influence of poetry. The innovation of this study is to closely link the popularity of Bai Juyi's poetry with its practical significance, and to demonstrate the important role of Bai Juyi's poetry in promoting social change and promoting humanistic spirit through concrete case analysis. This study provides a new perspective for understanding the cultural value of Bai Juyi's poetry, and also provides a useful reference for exploring the relationship between ancient literature and modern society.

Keywords: Bai Juyi Poetry;Popularity;Social Concern;Language Characteristics;Practical Significance

目  录

引言 1

一、白居易诗歌通俗性的形成背景 1

(一)唐代社会文化环境分析 1

(二)白居易的文学思想与创作理念 2

(三)通俗性在白居易诗歌中的体现 2

二、白居易诗歌通俗性的艺术特征 3

(一)语言平易近人的表现手法 3

(二)情感表达的直接性与感染力 3

(三)叙事方式的清晰与生动 4

三、白居易诗歌的现实意义探讨 4

(一)对社会问题的深刻反映 5

(二)对民生疾苦的关注与表达 5

(三)对政治改革的呼吁与思考 6

四、白居易诗歌对后世的影响与启示 6

(一)通俗性对后世文学的启发 6

(二)现实主义精神的传承与发展 2

(三)当代视角下的白居易诗歌价值 2

结论 3

参考文献 4

致谢 4





