
摘  要




  The theory of medicinal properties and meridian tropism in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a critical component of the TCM theoretical system, occupying a central position in the field of traditional Chinese pharmacology. Its connotations are rich and complex. With the advancement of modern science and technology, scientifically elucidating traditional TCM theories has become an inevitable trend. This study aims to explore the scientific essence of medicinal properties and meridian tropism through interdisciplinary approaches, incorporating perspectives from molecular biology, systems biology, and network pharmacology. By constructing a network model linking active ingredients of Chinese herbs with their targets and pathways, combined with clinical data mining and analysis, this research reveals the intrinsic connections and mechanisms between medicinal properties and meridian tropism. The findings indicate that drugs with different meridian tropisms exhibit specific biological target orientation, characterized by modular patterns of action, providing new insights into the compatibility rules of TCM compound presc riptions. Furthermore, based on me tabolomics technology platforms, this study elucidates the differential me tabolic responses elicited by the four natures (cold, hot, warm, cool) of medicinal properties within the body, demonstrating the existence and dynamic changes of the material basis of medicinal properties. This research not only establishes a relatively systematic scientific explanation fr amework for the theory of medicinal properties and meridian tropism but also opens up new avenues for the modernization of Chinese medicine, facilitating the integration of traditional medicine with modern science and contributing to global health.

Keywords:Traditional Chinese Medicine Properties And Meridian Tropism;Molecular Biology;Network Pharmacology;Biological Targeting;me tabolomics Technology Platform

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引  言 1
第一章 中药药性理论的科学基础 2
1.1 药性的定义与分类 2
1.2 药性作用机制研究 2
1.3 药性与物质基础关联 3
第二章 归经理论的现代解析 4
2.1 归经概念的历史演变 4
2.2 归经的生理学依据 4
2.3 归经的分子生物学解释 5
第三章 药性与归经的相互关系 6
3.1 药性对归经的影响 6
3.2 归经对药性表达的作用 6
3.3 二者协同作用机制 7
第四章 药性归经理论的应用与发展 8
4.1 在临床治疗中的应用 8
4.2 对新药研发的指导意义 8
4.3 理论发展的未来方向 9
结  论 10
参考文献 11
致  谢 12



