
摘  要




"Midnight," as a representative work of Mao Dun, vividly portrays the intricate landscape of urban life in China during the 1930s and reveals the essence of class contradictions. This study, grounded in social-historical criticism and cultural studies methodologies, integrates close reading with structuralist analysis to explore the authentic representation of urban life in the novel and the underlying class conflicts. By examining economic activities, social relationships, and character fates within the narrative, this paper uncovers the process of traditional social structure disintegration under capitalist intrusion, while analyzing the living conditions and psychological characteristics of different classes during modernization. The research demonstrates that "Midnight" is not merely a literary work but also a profound reflection of contemporary social realities, with its depiction of urban life and class conflict exhibiting timeless insight. The innovation of this study lies in interpreting the text within a broader social context, emphasizing the author's contemplation on issues of modernity, and providing new perspectives for understanding the ideological connotations of Mao Dun's creation. The final conclusion indicates that through its complex narrative structure and multidimensional character development, "Midnight" successfully captures the contradictory essence of urban life in early Chinese modernization, offering significant reference value for subsequent research.

Keywords: Midnight;Class Conflict;Social Historical Criticism

目  录
引言 1
一、《子夜》中的都市空间构建 1
(一)都市地理环境描写 1
(二)现代都市建筑呈现 1
(三)都市空间与人物活动 2
二、都市生活百态展现 2
(一)上层社会生活场景 2
(二)中产阶级生活方式 3
(三)底层民众生存状态 3
三、阶级矛盾的多维体现 4
(一)不同阶级财富差距 4
(二)阶级间的思想冲突 4
(三)阶级矛盾引发事件 5
四、阶级矛盾下的命运走向 5
(一)上层阶级的结局预示 5
(二)中产阶级的挣扎求存 6
(三)底层人民的出路探寻 6
结  论 7
致  谢 8
参考文献 9



