
摘  要




Yu Hua, as a significant contemporary writer, is renowned for his distinctive portrayal of suffering in literature. This study aims to explore the unique style and social significance of Yu Hua's depiction of suffering in his novels, employing a methodology that combines close reading with socio-historical criticism to analyze representative works such as "To Live" and "The Chronicle of a Blood Merchant." The research reveals that Yu Hua situates individual fates within grand historical contexts, presenting the resilience and helplessness of ordinary people facing adversity through a detached and ob jective narrative stance. This writing style transcends traditional modes of depicting suffering, offering new literary ex pressions of hardship. The suffering portrayed in his works not only reflects personal experiences but also serves as a crucial medium for exploring social change and human nature, revealing the living conditions and spiritual landscape of China's underclass during specific historical periods, thereby carrying profound social critique. Moreover, Yu Hua integrates reflections on the value of life into his creations, enabling readers to gain spiritual enlightenment and solace while experiencing the depicted suffering. This approach provides valuable insights for contemporary literary creation and expands the depth and breadth of Chinese modern literature concerning the portrayal of suffering.

Keywords: Yu Hua;Suffering Writing;Social Criticism

目  录
引言 1
一、苦难书写的文学渊源与背景 1
(一)中国现代文学中的苦难书写 1
(二)余华创作的时代语境 2
(三)苦难书写的理论基础 2
二、苦难书写的叙事艺术 3
(一)叙事视角的独特选择 3
(二)时间与空间的交错运用 3
(三)悲剧情节的构建方式 3
三、苦难书写的语言风格 4
(一)简洁而深刻的表达 4
(二)冷静叙述中的情感张力 4
(三)黑色幽默与讽刺手法 5
四、苦难书写的深层意蕴 5
(一)对人性本质的深刻洞察 5
(二)社会现实的批判与反思 6
(三)历史记忆的重构意义 6
结  论 7
致  谢 8
参考文献 9



