摘 要
关键词:城市水污染治理 绿色技术 生物修复
With the acceleration of urbanization, water pollution has become increasingly severe, posing a significant threat to both ecological environments and human health. Traditional remediation technologies face challenges such as high costs and low efficiency. In this context, exploring the application of green technologies in urban water pollution control holds substantial significance. This study aims to uncover the potential of green technologies in addressing urban water pollution, offering new perspectives for pollution mitigation. By employing literature review methods, this research examines relevant theories and practical cases of green technologies both domestically and internationally. Additionally, field surveys provide an in-depth understanding of the current status of urban water pollution and the limitations of existing treatment technologies. The findings indicate that green technologies encompass various approaches: bioremediation utilizes microorganisms to degrade pollutants; eco-floating island technology constructs aquatic ecosystems to purify water quality; and constructed wetlands leverage plant root systems to adsorb and filter harmful substances. Compared to conventional methods, these green technologies offer advantages such as environmental friendliness, strong sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Innovatively combining multiple green technologies into an integrated remediation model allows for flexible adjustments based on different pollution sources and levels, achieving more efficient and precise management of urban water pollution. This approach not only provides a new direction for urban water pollution control but also promotes a shift from end-of-pipe treatment to a combination of source control and ecological restoration, playing an indispensable role in improving urban water quality.
Keyword:Urban Water Pollution Control Green Technology Bioremediation
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1城市水污染治理的背景与意义 1
1.2绿色技术应用的研究现状 1
1.3本文研究方法概述 1
2绿色技术在城市污水处理中的应用 2
2.1污水处理工艺的绿色创新 2
2.2生物处理技术的应用进展 2
2.3资源回收与循环利用技术 3
3绿色技术在雨水管理中的应用 4
3.1海绵城市建设理念 4
3.2雨水收集与净化技术 4
3.3城市防洪与生态修复 5
4绿色技术在工业废水治理中的应用 5
4.1工业废水处理的挑战 5
4.2清洁生产与源头控制 6
4.3废水回用与零排放技术 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9
关键词:城市水污染治理 绿色技术 生物修复
With the acceleration of urbanization, water pollution has become increasingly severe, posing a significant threat to both ecological environments and human health. Traditional remediation technologies face challenges such as high costs and low efficiency. In this context, exploring the application of green technologies in urban water pollution control holds substantial significance. This study aims to uncover the potential of green technologies in addressing urban water pollution, offering new perspectives for pollution mitigation. By employing literature review methods, this research examines relevant theories and practical cases of green technologies both domestically and internationally. Additionally, field surveys provide an in-depth understanding of the current status of urban water pollution and the limitations of existing treatment technologies. The findings indicate that green technologies encompass various approaches: bioremediation utilizes microorganisms to degrade pollutants; eco-floating island technology constructs aquatic ecosystems to purify water quality; and constructed wetlands leverage plant root systems to adsorb and filter harmful substances. Compared to conventional methods, these green technologies offer advantages such as environmental friendliness, strong sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Innovatively combining multiple green technologies into an integrated remediation model allows for flexible adjustments based on different pollution sources and levels, achieving more efficient and precise management of urban water pollution. This approach not only provides a new direction for urban water pollution control but also promotes a shift from end-of-pipe treatment to a combination of source control and ecological restoration, playing an indispensable role in improving urban water quality.
Keyword:Urban Water Pollution Control Green Technology Bioremediation
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1城市水污染治理的背景与意义 1
1.2绿色技术应用的研究现状 1
1.3本文研究方法概述 1
2绿色技术在城市污水处理中的应用 2
2.1污水处理工艺的绿色创新 2
2.2生物处理技术的应用进展 2
2.3资源回收与循环利用技术 3
3绿色技术在雨水管理中的应用 4
3.1海绵城市建设理念 4
3.2雨水收集与净化技术 4
3.3城市防洪与生态修复 5
4绿色技术在工业废水治理中的应用 5
4.1工业废水处理的挑战 5
4.2清洁生产与源头控制 6
4.3废水回用与零排放技术 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9