
摘    要


关键词:生活垃圾源头减量  资源化利用  行为经济学模型

  With the acceleration of urbanization, the volume of municipal solid waste (MSW) continues to increase, posing significant challenges to environmental sustainability and resource management. This study focuses on source reduction and resource recovery of MSW, aiming to explore effective pathways for reducing waste generation and achieving efficient resource utilization. By integrating literature review, field surveys, and case studies, this research systematically examines theoretical and practical advancements both domestically and internationally. It selects representative urban communities as research subjects to thoroughly analyze their waste generation characteristics and management status. The findings indicate that residents' behavioral patterns significantly influence waste volumes; optimizing recycling systems and promoting green lifestyles can effectively reduce overall waste. An innovative source reduction model based on behavioral economics is constructed, integrating individual decision-making with social incentive mechanisms to provide a scientific foundation for policy formulation. Meanwhile, by incorporating the concept of circular economy, a comprehensive solution covering the entire chain from production, distribution to consumption is proposed, emphasizing the importance of collaborative governance among government, enterprises, and the public. The study concludes that establishing a robust legal fr amework, enhancing education and publicity, and advancing technological innovation are crucial factors for achieving source reduction and resource recovery of MSW, offering new insights and methods for urban solid waste management in China, which holds important theoretical and practical significance.

Keyword:Waste Source Reduction  Resource Utilization  Behavioral Economics Model

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1生活垃圾源头减量与资源化研究的背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3本文的研究方法与技术路线 1
2生活垃圾源头减量的影响因素分析 2
2.1居民行为习惯对垃圾减量的影响 2
2.2政策法规对垃圾减量的推动作用 2
2.3技术创新在垃圾减量中的应用 3
3生活垃圾资源化的技术路径探索 3
3.1分类回收体系的构建与优化 4
3.2资源化处理技术的应用与发展 4
3.3资源化产品的市场前景分析 5
4生活垃圾源头减量与资源化的政策保障 5
4.1政策制定的原则与目标 5
4.2现有政策的效果评估自 6
4.3完善政策体系的建议 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9




