摘 要
关键词:数字鸿沟 场景平等 数字弱者
With the rapid development of digital technology, the issue of digital divide has become increasingly prominent, and the digital weak face many obstacles in accessing and utilizing digital resources, which not only affects their personal development, but also poses challenges to social equity and justice. Based on the theory of scene equality, this study discusses the legal protection of the digital weak, aiming to build a comprehensive and systematic legal fr amework to protect the rights and interests of the digital weak. Current laws and regulations lag significantly in terms of digital inclusion and fail to fully consider the special needs of the digitally vulnerable in different scenarios. Therefore, this paper proposes that a legal protection system should be established with scene equality as the core principle, and differentiated protection measures should be formulated according to different application scenarios to ensure that the digital weak can obtain equal opportunities in key fields such as education, health care and employment. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of multi-party collaborative governance by the government, enterprises and social organizations, and advocates the construction of a digital inclusive ecology with the participation of multiple entities. This research innovatively introduces the concept of scene equality into the field of protection of digital vulnerable groups, provides a theoretical basis and practical path for improving relevant legislation, and is of great value for promoting the fair development of digital society.
Keyword:Digital Divide Scene Equality Digital Vulnerables
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
2数字弱者的界定与特征 2
2.1数字弱者概念解析 2
2.2数字弱者的类型划分 2
2.3数字弱者的形成原因 3
3场景平等理论的适用性分析 3
3.1场景平等理论概述 3
3.2数字场景中的平等需求 4
3.3场景平等对数字弱者的意义 5
4数字弱者的法律保护路径 5
4.1现有法律框架审视 5
4.2法律保护的原则确立 6
4.3具体法律制度构建 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10