

摘    要


关键词:网络著作权保护  信息网络传播权  侵权认定

  With the rapid development of information technology and the Internet, the copyright protection under the network environment is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This paper aims to discuss the application and interpretation of copyright law under the network environment, in order to provide theoretical support for the improvement of the relevant legal system. Based on the systematic combing of the current copyright laws and regulations, judicial cases and academic documents at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of network technology, using comparative analysis and empirical research, the research deeply analyzes the new characteristics of copyright infringement in the network environment. It is found that there are many irregularities in the traditional copyright law in dealing with the problems such as the right of reproduction and information network transmission, such as the fuzzy boundary of rights and the unreasonable distribution of the burden of proof. By comparing the legislative practice of network copyright protection in different countries and regions, it is proposed that the copyright rule system adapted to the network environment should be constructed, the legal responsibility of network service providers should be clarified, and the infringement judgment standard should be optimized.

Keyword:Network Copyright Protection  Right Of Information Network Dissemination  Infringement Determination

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1网络环境下著作权法研究的背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3本文的研究方法与创新点 1
2网络环境对著作权制度的挑战 2
2.1数字化传播技术的影响 2
2.2网络平台责任界定问题 3
2.3用户生成内容的版权归属 3
3网络环境下著作权保护的新发展 4
3.1技术措施的法律效力 4
3.2著作权合理使用规则的演变 5
3.3数字版权管理系统的应用 5
4完善网络著作权司法解释的思考 6
4.1司法实践中面临的主要问题 6
4.2典型案例分析与启示 7
4.3构建适应网络时代的解释体系 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10




