

摘    要


关键词:网络直播  著作权侵权  法律规制

  With the rapid development of the network broadcast industry, the problem of copyright infringement has become increasingly prominent and become an urgent legal problem to be solved. This study aims to explore the legal regulation path of copyright infringement in network broadcast, in order to provide theoretical support for improving relevant laws and regulations. Through the existing laws and regulations at home and abroad, judicial precedents and academic research system, combined with the live broadcast platform operation mode, content transmission characteristics of thorough analysis, the literature research, case analysis and comparative study method, reveals the current webcast main forms of copyright infringement and its causes. It is found that the copyright infringement in the network broadcast has the characteristics of immediacy, concealment and complexity, and the traditional copyright law has many deficiencies when dealing with such new infringement behaviors, such as vague standards of infringement identification, difficulty in proof of the right holder, and unclear definition of platform responsibility, etc. In view of the above problems, this paper proposes to build a copyright protection system adapted to the characteristics of network broadcast, including clarifying the judgment standards of infringement, strengthening the supervision responsibility of the platform, establishing a rapid rights protection mechanism and other measures.

Keyword:Online Streaming  Copyright Infringement  Legal Regulation

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1网络直播著作权侵权的背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 2
2网络直播著作权侵权的法律特征 2
2.1直播内容的著作权属性分析 2
2.2直播平台的法律责任界定 3
2.3侵权行为的主要表现形式 3
3现行法律规制体系的适用性分析 4
3.1著作权法在网络直播中的适用 4
3.2平台责任制度的实践效果 5
3.3现有法规存在的主要问题 5
4完善网络直播著作权保护的路径探索 6
4.1构建专门立法框架的必要性 6
4.2强化平台治理机制的建议 6
4.3推动行业自律规范的发展 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10




