
摘    要


关键词:雇主责任  民事侵权  过错推定原则


  The application of employer liability in civil torts is a significant issue in modern civil law theory and practice. As socioeconomic development advances and labor relationships become more complex, issues related to employer liability have become increasingly prominent, posing new challenges to traditional theories of employer liability. This study aims to explore the legal application of employer liability in the realm of civil torts by analyzing relevant legislation, judicial precedents, and academic perspectives both domestically and internationally, with the goal of constructing an employer liability theoretical fr amework that aligns with China's national conditions. Utilizing methods such as literature analysis, comparative studies, and case analysis, this research systematically examines the historical evolution, theoretical foundations, and application scenarios of employer liability across different legal jurisdictions. Through the detailed analysis of numerous typical cases, it reveals deficiencies in the current legal system, including ambiguous definitions of liability and unreasonable distribution of the burden of proof. The findings indicate that the application of employer liability in civil torts should adhere to the principle of presumed fault and reasonably allocate the burden of proof based on specific circumstances. Additionally, it is recommended to introduce a mechanism for proportional liability sharing to balance the interests of all parties. Innovatively, this study proposes a "three-element theory" for the constitutive elements of employer liability, namely the existence of an employment relationship, the causal relationship between the employee's actions and the damage consequences, and the employer's managerial negligence or oversight regarding the employee's actions. This theoretical breakthrough not only enriches the employer liability theory system but also provides more operational criteria for judicial practice, contributing to the improvement of employer liability-related legislation in China and promoting harmonious and stable labor relations.

Keyword:Employer Liability  Civil Tort  Presumption Of Fault Principle

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究方法概述 2

2雇主责任的理论基础 2

2.1雇主责任的概念界定 2

2.2雇主责任的历史发展 3

2.3雇主责任的构成要件 3

3民事侵权中的雇主责任认定 4

3.1侵权行为的类型分析 4

3.2雇员行为与雇主责任关联 4

3.3责任认定的原则和标准 5

4雇主责任在民事侵权中的法律适用 6

4.1相关法律法规解读 6

4.2法律适用中的难点问题 6

4.3典型案例分析与启示 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10




