摘 要
关键词:损害赔偿责任范围 民事侵权 完全赔偿原则
The delineation of the scope of liability for damages in civil torts is a significant issue in the field of civil law. As socioeconomic development advances and public awareness of rights increases, civil tortious acts have become increasingly complex and diverse. Accurately defining the scope of liability for damages is crucial for protecting the rights of victims and upholding social equity and justice. This study aims to explore the definition of the scope of liability for damages in civil torts by systematically reviewing relevant theories and practices both domestically and internationally, in conjunction with current Chinese laws and judicial interpretations. Employing methods such as comparative analysis and empirical research, this study examines ambiguities and contentious points in the application of existing regulations. Through the analysis of numerous landmark cases, it identifies issues such as inconsistent standards and incomplete consideration factors in the current definition of the scope of liability for damages. Consequently, it proposes the establishment of a system for defining the scope of liability for damages based on the principle of full compensation, incorporating multiple factors including causation, degree of fault, and foreseeability. This system emphasizes the balance between adequate relief for victims and reasonable regulation of tortfeasors, offering new perspectives and approaches for more precise determination of the scope of liability for damages in judicial practice. It also contributes to the improvement and development of China's civil tort law system.
Keyword:Scope Of Liability For Damages Civil Torts Full Compensation Principle
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法概述 2
2损害赔偿责任的理论基础 2
2.1民事侵权的基本概念 2
2.2损害赔偿的原则 3
2.3责任构成要件分析 3
3损害赔偿范围的界定标准 4
3.1直接损失与间接损失 4
3.2可预见性规则应用 5
3.3因果关系的确定 5
4特殊情形下的赔偿责任 6
4.1过失相抵原则 6
4.2第三人介入的影响 6
4.3不可抗力因素考量 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10