摘 要
关键词:民法典 物权保护 居住权
The promulgation and implementation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China has brought new opportunities for the development of the real right protection system. The protection of the traditional protection of real right in China is faced with many challenges, such as the difficult confirmation of real right and the untimely relief of rights, etc. Under this context, it is of great significance to study the innovation and practice of the real right protection system in the civil code. The purpose of this study is to deeply analyze the innovation of the property right protection system in the civil code and its application effect in practice, use the literature research method to sort out the relevant theoretical results, and use the case analysis method to investigate the new changes of the real right protection in the judicial practice. It is found that the civil Code has made various innovations in the protection of real right, clearly refined the types and contents of real right, added the new usufructuary right of the right of real right, improved the rules of real right change, strengthened the function of real right claim and legalized it, and constructed a diversified real right protection system. These innovative measures will help to solve the problem of real right disputes in reality, improve the efficiency of real right protection, and enhance people's confidence in their own property rights.
Keyword:Civil Code Property Rights Protection Right Of Habitation
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
2民法典物权保护制度的理论创新 2
2.1物权法定原则的新发展 2
2.2物权变动模式的优化 2
2.3物权请求权体系的完善 3
2.4物权公示公信原则的强化 3
3民法典中具体物权类型的保护创新 4
3.1所有权保护制度的完善 4
3.2用益物权保护机制的创新 5
3.3担保物权实现方式的改进 5
3.4物权期待权的法律保护 6
4民法典物权保护制度的实践探索 6
4.1物权登记制度的实践应用 6
4.2物权纠纷解决机制的创新 7
4.3物权保护司法解释的适用 7
4.4物权保护典型案例分析 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11
关键词:民法典 物权保护 居住权
The promulgation and implementation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China has brought new opportunities for the development of the real right protection system. The protection of the traditional protection of real right in China is faced with many challenges, such as the difficult confirmation of real right and the untimely relief of rights, etc. Under this context, it is of great significance to study the innovation and practice of the real right protection system in the civil code. The purpose of this study is to deeply analyze the innovation of the property right protection system in the civil code and its application effect in practice, use the literature research method to sort out the relevant theoretical results, and use the case analysis method to investigate the new changes of the real right protection in the judicial practice. It is found that the civil Code has made various innovations in the protection of real right, clearly refined the types and contents of real right, added the new usufructuary right of the right of real right, improved the rules of real right change, strengthened the function of real right claim and legalized it, and constructed a diversified real right protection system. These innovative measures will help to solve the problem of real right disputes in reality, improve the efficiency of real right protection, and enhance people's confidence in their own property rights.
Keyword:Civil Code Property Rights Protection Right Of Habitation
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
2民法典物权保护制度的理论创新 2
2.1物权法定原则的新发展 2
2.2物权变动模式的优化 2
2.3物权请求权体系的完善 3
2.4物权公示公信原则的强化 3
3民法典中具体物权类型的保护创新 4
3.1所有权保护制度的完善 4
3.2用益物权保护机制的创新 5
3.3担保物权实现方式的改进 5
3.4物权期待权的法律保护 6
4民法典物权保护制度的实践探索 6
4.1物权登记制度的实践应用 6
4.2物权纠纷解决机制的创新 7
4.3物权保护司法解释的适用 7
4.4物权保护典型案例分析 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11