摘 要
关键词:履行抗辩权 合同法 动态平衡理论
As an important system in the contract law, the right of defense in the civil contract plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the transaction security and balancing the interests of the parties. With the development of market economy and the increasingly complex mode of trading mode, traditional theories are facing new challenges and need in-depth research to adapt to the modern business environment. The purpose of this study is to systematically explore the theoretical basis and practical application of the right of defense performance in civil contract, and analyze the essential characteristics, constitutive requirements and applicable scope of the right of defense performance through literature analysis, case study and comparative method. It is found that the performance of the defense right not only covers the simultaneous performance of the defense right of defense, the first performance of the defense right and the uneasy right of defense, but also should pay attention to the new defense situation arising under the emerging transaction mode. Through sorting out a large number of judicial cases, it reveals the problems in the current judicial practice, and puts forward suggestions for improvement. This study innovatively introduces the dynamic balance theory, constructs a three-dimensional evaluation system to perform the right of defense, and provides a more operational judgment standard for judicial practice.
Keyword:Performance Defense Right Contract Law Dynamic Balance Theory
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与思路 2
2履行抗辩权的理论基础 2
2.1履行抗辩权的概念界定 2
2.2履行抗辩权的法律属性 2
2.3履行抗辩权的构成要件 3
3履行抗辩权的类型分析 4
3.1同时履行抗辩权 4
3.2先履行抗辩权 4
3.3不安抗辩权 5
4履行抗辩权的适用规则 5
4.1适用条件与限制 5
4.2权利行使的方式 6
4.3法律后果与救济 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10
关键词:履行抗辩权 合同法 动态平衡理论
As an important system in the contract law, the right of defense in the civil contract plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the transaction security and balancing the interests of the parties. With the development of market economy and the increasingly complex mode of trading mode, traditional theories are facing new challenges and need in-depth research to adapt to the modern business environment. The purpose of this study is to systematically explore the theoretical basis and practical application of the right of defense performance in civil contract, and analyze the essential characteristics, constitutive requirements and applicable scope of the right of defense performance through literature analysis, case study and comparative method. It is found that the performance of the defense right not only covers the simultaneous performance of the defense right of defense, the first performance of the defense right and the uneasy right of defense, but also should pay attention to the new defense situation arising under the emerging transaction mode. Through sorting out a large number of judicial cases, it reveals the problems in the current judicial practice, and puts forward suggestions for improvement. This study innovatively introduces the dynamic balance theory, constructs a three-dimensional evaluation system to perform the right of defense, and provides a more operational judgment standard for judicial practice.
Keyword:Performance Defense Right Contract Law Dynamic Balance Theory
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与思路 2
2履行抗辩权的理论基础 2
2.1履行抗辩权的概念界定 2
2.2履行抗辩权的法律属性 2
2.3履行抗辩权的构成要件 3
3履行抗辩权的类型分析 4
3.1同时履行抗辩权 4
3.2先履行抗辩权 4
3.3不安抗辩权 5
4履行抗辩权的适用规则 5
4.1适用条件与限制 5
4.2权利行使的方式 6
4.3法律后果与救济 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10