摘 要
关键词:广告创意 消费者记忆 情感因素
Advertising plays a pivotal role in modern commercial society, with its creative quality directly influencing consumer memory retention. This study aims to investigate the impact of advertising creativity on consumer memory by constructing a research fr amework based on cognitive psychology and marketing theories, innovatively linking advertising creative elements with consumer memory mechanisms. Through a literature review, it was found that existing studies predominantly focus on the short-term memory effects of advertising formats while lacking systematic analysis of the connotative aspects of creativity and their long-term memory impacts. To address this gap, this study employed an experimental method, selecting various types of advertising samples including traditional print advertisements and video advertisements, with college students as participants. After controlling for variables, tests were conducted. The results indicate that advertisements with distinctive creativity significantly enhance both immediate and delayed memory effects among consumers, with emotional factors and narrative elements showing particularly prominent positive influences on memory. Furthermore, the higher the relevance between advertising creativity and product characteristics, the deeper and more lasting the consumer memory. This study not only enriches the theoretical fr amework of advertising but also provides enterprises with more operational guidelines for advertising creative design, emphasizing that creativity should not only pursue novelty but also focus on deep integration with product features to achieve better communication effects and market benefits.
Keyword:Advertising Creativity Consumer Memory Emotional Factors
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1广告创意与消费者记忆研究背景 1
1.2研究广告创意对记忆影响的意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状综述 1
1.4本文研究方法与创新点 2
2广告创意要素对记忆的影响机制 2
2.1创意视觉元素与记忆关联 2
2.2创意文案表达与记忆效果 3
2.3创意表现手法的记忆强化 3
2.4不同创意要素的综合影响 4
3消费者记忆形成的心理过程分析 4
3.1注意力在记忆中的作用 5
3.2情感因素对记忆的影响 5
3.3记忆编码与广告信息处理 6
3.4记忆保持与遗忘规律 6
4广告创意优化策略与实证研究 7
4.1基于记忆理论的创意设计原则 7
4.2实验研究 7
4.3案例分析 8
4.4提升广告记忆效果的策略建议 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11