
摘    要


关键词:未成年人侵权责任  监护人责任  教育机构责任


  With the development of society, incidents of torts committed by minors have become increasingly frequent, posing numerous challenges to society. Research on the legal regulation of tort liability for minors holds significant practical importance. This study aims to thoroughly examine legal issues related to tort liability for minors in order to provide theoretical support for improving China’s legal fr amework governing such liabilities. By systematically reviewing relevant domestic and international laws and judicial precedents, and employing empirical research methods such as surveys and interviews, this study analyzes existing problems in China’s current legal regulation of tort liability for minors, including ambiguous definitions of guardians’ responsibilities and unclear liability attribution for schools and other educational institutions. Based on these findings, the study proposes the establishment of a scientifically sound and reasonable mechanism for sharing tort liability among minors, emphasizing that guardians should bear primary responsibility while clarifying supplementary liability for schools and other educational institutions under specific circumstances. Innovatively, it introduces the concept of risk prevention, advocating for reducing the occurrence of tortious acts by minors at the source. It stresses not only post-incident liability but also the importance of establishing preventive measures beforehand, thereby creating a favorable environment for the healthy growth of minors. This approach helps address deficiencies in the existing legal system and contributes positively to the protection of minors’ rights and the maintenance of social stability.

Keyword:Minor's Tort Liability  Guardian Responsibility  Educational Institution Liability

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究方法与思路 2

2未成年人侵权责任的理论基础 2

2.1未成年人行为能力界定 2

2.2归责原则的适用分析 3

2.3法律责任的特殊性探讨 3

3未成年人侵权责任的具体规制 4

3.1监护人责任的法律规定 4

3.2学校及其他机构的责任 5

3.3特殊情形下的责任认定 5

4完善未成年人侵权责任法律制度的建议 6

4.1立法层面的完善措施 6

4.2司法实践中的优化路径 7

4.3社会协同治理机制构建 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10
