摘 要
关键词:医疗损害侵权 过错认定标准 专业水准
The standard for determining medical malpractice liability is a critical issue in the field of medical jurisprudence. With the advancement of modern medicine and the growing awareness of patients' rights, the number of medical disputes has increased, making it imperative to scientifically and reasonably define medical negligence. This study aims to construct a system of standards for identifying medical malpractice liability that aligns with China's national conditions. By integrating literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this study systematically examines relevant theories and practices both domestically and internationally. It finds that under the current legal fr amework, issues such as ambiguous criteria and strong subjectivity exist in the determination of medical negligence. The study proposes establishing a multi-level standard centered on "professional standards," while also considering "foreseeability" and "duty of care." An innovative aspect of this research is the introduction of dynamic systems theory, which views medical practice as a complex adaptive system, emphasizing context-specific differential judgments. Additionally, a comprehensive evaluation system encompassing dimensions such as clinical guidelines, peer review, and risk disclosure is constructed to provide more operational guidance for judicial practice. The research outcomes not only contribute to the improvement of China's medical malpractice liability system but also offer theoretical support for balancing the rights of healthcare providers and patients, thereby promoting the healthy development of the medical industry.
Keyword:Medical Malpractice Tort Standard Of Fault Determination Professional Standards
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1医疗损害侵权过错认定的背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法概述 2
2过错认定的基本原则 2
2.1过错认定的法律依据 2
2.2主客观相统一原则 3
2.3因果关系判定标准 4
3医疗行为的专业判断 4
3.1医疗常规与规范遵循 4
3.2专业水准的衡量标准 5
3.3特殊情况下的合理注意义务 5
4责任主体与举证责任 6
4.1医疗机构的责任界定 6
4.2患方举证责任分配 7
4.3医疗鉴定的作用与局限 7
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11