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摘  要:随着社会对教育公平性的日益关注,融合共享理念在特殊教育领域的应用逐渐成为研究热点,而针对运动弱势学生体育教育的改革诉求尤为迫切。本研究以运动弱势学生的体育教育为切入点,探讨融合共享理念下体育教育改革的时代诉求,旨在构建更加包容、公平的体育教育体系。研究采用质性与量化相结合的方法,通过问卷调查、深度访谈和案例分析,收集并分析了来自多所学校的师生数据。结果表明,当前体育教育存在资源分配不均、教学模式单一及评价体系缺乏灵活性等问题,而融合共享理念能够有效改善这些问题。研究提出以资源整合为核心、以个性化教学为路径、以多元评价为保障的改革框架,并验证了其可行性与有效性。本研究的主要贡献在于首次系统性地将融合共享理念引入运动弱势学生的体育教育改革中,为相关政策制定提供了理论依据和实践参考,同时推动了体育教育向更加公平与包容的方向发展。


Abstract:With increasing societal attention to educational equity, the application of integration and sharing concepts in the field of special education has gradually become a research hotspot, with an especially urgent demand for reform in physical education for students who are disadvantaged in sports. This study focuses on the physical education of these students, exploring the contemporary demands for reform in physical education under the fr amework of integration and sharing, with the aim of constructing a more inclusive and equitable system of physical education. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, including questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews, and case analyses, to collect and analyze data from teachers and students across multiple schools. The findings reveal that current physical education faces issues such as uneven resource distribution,单一 teaching models, and a lack of flexibility in evaluation systems. It is demonstrated that the concept of integration and sharing can effectively address these problems. This study proposes a reform fr amework centered on resource integration, personalized teaching as the implementation pathway, and diversified evaluation as a safeguard mechanism, verifying its feasibility and effectiveness. The primary contribution of this research lies in systematically introducing the concept of integration and sharing into the reform of physical education for students disadvantaged in sports for the first time, providing theoretical support and practical references for relevant policy formulation, while promoting the development of physical education toward greater fairness and inclusiveness.

Keywords: Integration And Sharing Concept;Physically Weak Students In Sports;Physical Education Reform;Resource Integration;Diversified Evaluation
目  录
引言 1
一、融合共享运动的时代背景与诉求 1
(一)弱势学生体育教育现状分析 1
(二)融合共享理念的提出与发展 2
(三)时代背景下改革的必要性 2
二、融合共享运动的理论基础与框架构建 3
(一)教育公平理论的应用研究 3
(二)融合共享模式的核心要素 3
(三)改革框架的设计与实施路径 4
三、弱势学生体育教育改革的具体策略 4
(一)差异化教学方法的设计 4
(二)个性化评估体系的构建 5
(三)家校社协同机制的探索 5
四、改革实践中的挑战与优化路径 6
(一)实施过程中的主要障碍分析 6
(二)政策支持与资源保障的研究 6
(三)持续改进机制的建立与完善 7
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8



